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February 29th., 1936.

M. Knoedler & Co., Inc.,
14 East 57th. St., 
New York, New York.

[[underlined]] Attention. Mr. J. J. Cunningham, Jr. [[/underlined]]


In answer to your letter of February 28th., and as a matter of record, we want to let you know that we will be very pleased to co-operate with you and the firms of Wildenstein and Durand-Ruel, in an exhibition to be held from July 15th., through [[strikethrough]] October [[/strikethrough]] August 1st., at the Guild Hall, East Hampton.  This exhibition, we understand, to include paintings of flowers and gardens.

We note that you wish to have by June 15th., for the catalogue, the names of the artists and the titles of the paintings we will exhibit.

Yours very truly,


(Germain Seligmann)