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United Order of Galilean Fishermen, and the National Order of Mosaic Templars.  Under Hitler these fraternal organizations would be abolished as the Masonic orders were abolished in Germany—because the Negro fraternal organizations have a tradition and a history of fighting for the rights of Negro manhood.

Educational opportunity has always been precious to the American Negro because it is the keystone of race progress.  Today there are approximately 100 universities and colleges devoted exclusively to Negro education in this country.  Our boys and girls in the North attend State universities and such institutions as Harvard, Yale, Columbia, and Cornell.  In 1916 there were 1,643 students in Negro colleges.  By 1941 the number had grown to 40,000.  During a 25-year period, the number of students in Negro colleges increased some 2,400 percent.

What Hitler says about us

Hitler has made himself very clear on what he thinks about education for the Negro. In his book Mein Kampf, he says this:

"From time to time it is demonstrated to the German petty bourgeois in illustrated periodicals that for the first time here or there a Negro has become a lawyer, teacher, even clergyman, or even a leading opera tenor or something of that kind . . . It does not dawn upon this depraved bourgeois world that here one has actually to do with a sin against all reason; that it is a criminal absurdity to train a born half-ape until one believes a lawyer has been made of him, while millions of members of the highest culture race have to remain in entirely unworthy positions; that it is a sin against the will of the Eternal Creator to let hundreds of thousands of His most talented beings degenerate in the proletarian swamp of today, while Hottentots and Zulu Kafirs are trained for intellectual vocations.

"For it is training exactly as that of a poodle, and not a scientific 'education.'  The same trouble and care, applied to intelligent races, would fit each individual a thousand times better for the same achievements."

That's what Hitler thinks.

A ruler who regards Negro lawyers as born half-apes, trained like poodles, would drive from the bench such Negro judges as Charles E. Toney and James S. Watson of the New York Municipal Court, Herman E. Moore of the United States District Court in the Virgin Islands, Justice Myles Paige of the Court of Special Sessions in Brooklyn, Justice Jane Bolin, America's only colored woman judge, who presides over the Domestic Relations Court in New York.  He would drive from the bench Judge Edward Henry of the Philadelphia Municipal Court and Judge Armand Scott of the District of Columbia Municipal Court.  He would suppress the Law School at Howard University over which Dean William H. Hastie, now Civilian Aide to the Secretary of War, has presided so ably.

In the field of music and art the Negro would fare no better.  In Norway the Nazi oppressors have made it a crime to listen to the phonograph records of Paul Robeson and Marian Anderson, these great artists of international fame.  In 1933 when Hitler came to power there were Negro orchestras in some of the smart Berlin cafes; they were banned at once.  Hitler hates all music that mirrors the aspirations of free people.  In Poland the playing of Polish music is forbidden, and in America Negro musicians and Negro music would be silenced.  The universally beloved old spirituals, the compositions of Still, Burleigh, Dett, Handy, and Boatner, the voices of Roland Hayes and Dorothy Maynor, the gay rhythms of Ellington, Calloway, Waller, Count Basie, the clatter of Bill Robinson's dancing feet would be heard no more.

The drawings and paintings of E. Simms Campbell, Aaron Douglas, Sam Brown, Jacob