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[[image - black & white photograph of George Washington Carver]]
[[caption]] DR. G. W. CARVER, GRAND OLD MAN OF  PLANT SCIENCES [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of E. Franklin Frazier ]]

[[image - black & white photograph of Walter White]]
[[caption]] WALTER WHITE, VETERAN LEADER AND  N.A.A.C.P. HEAD [[/caption]]

[[image - black & white photograph of President Roosevelt seated at microphone]]

President Roosevelt says:

"The steady progress of our Negro citizens during the three-quarters of a century that have elapsed since their emancipation emphasizes what can be accomplished by free men in a free country. Moreover, their achievement in art, letters, sciences, and public service during a brief 75 years of freedom should give all Americans renewed determination to marshal all our strength to maintain and perpetuate our priceless heritage of free institutions . . . MAY I EXPRESS CONFIDENT HOPE THAT A RACE WHICH HAS ACHIEVED SO MUCH IN SO FEW YEARS MAY GO FORWARD TO EVEN NOBLER THINGS IN THE GENERATIONS AHEAD."