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We gave her a handkerchief and some perfume which she used lavishly. One day Alvina + Waldo Jr with Ruth Walton and her two oldest boys went to the exposition at Philadelphia and we had Barbara all day. It happened to be the very day Aunt Eda + Uncle Will came to town for a short visit. First time they really got to know her and they thought she was darling. Aunt Eda even sent her some candy when she got home. They stayed at Wardman Park Hotel and had mama and me for dinner one night. It is a lovely place. They just stayed a few days. 
 We had lots of nice weather so Alvina + her family took mama + me for some nice trips. One Sunday we drove to Kenilworth to the lily farm but it was too late in the season to see many blooms. Also drove to Mt. Vernon even tho we knew the grounds would be closed on Sunday. Another Sunday we all went to Gettysburg with all the Waltons. It was foggy when we left and rainy when we got there so we didn't get the fine view one should. Came back by way of Baltimore and passed thru a cloud-burst from there to Wash. It was my first all day auto trip + we enjoyed it immensely despite the weather. 
 In October the affairs started at the Women's City Club. First we had a dance to which I took Erwin. Then the club gave a dinner to which all club members who are interested in sports were asked to attend and I went to that. Various sections were