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[[letterhead]] Women's City Club
22 Jackson Place
Washington, D.C. [[/letterhead]]

organized for different activities. I joined the tennis group + we play every nice Sunday morning. Also joined the bowling group and we bowl every Monday night up at the Riggs Bank Bldg. at 14th + Monroe. Tuesdays they still have free + easy auction bridge at the club for the members and I go there occasionally. And on Wednesday I joined another group but I am not going to tell anyone what it is until it is all over. Golfing, hiking, gymnasium + horse back riding I turned down. 
 Next came the play. I took mama and Erwin to that too. It was real funny - all about English servants who were to be given a treat to the theater by their employers. The servants had such a row as to what they would see, how they would be seated and when they would go that it ended by them all resigning. I looked a sight with hair awry, torn apron, dress hanging crooked and shoes too big. It was such a success we had to repeat it 2 weeks later. 
  After that my office gave a dance at the Hotel Roosevelt and I took Erwin again. It was a costume affair so I wore my gypsy dress, the one I wore in Cherry Blossom [[?Line]] that was at the National for a week, but Erwin wouldn't dress up. 
 Later the club gave a card party and I took a table + invited Alvina + Erwin but couldn't get another man so Alvina brought Miss Lancaster.