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Miss S. and she said she would be delighted to come. Dr. Wetmore says he is willing to wait until that time as we are anxious to have Miss S. So this is the way the matter stands at present.

We have been much interested in the installments of your diary which Mrs. Schmitt brings in from time to time. The one she brought last left you on the Juan Fernandez Islands. The trip over to them must have been a rather trying experience, but I consider it paid as you got some terrestrial amphipods which will certainly be very interesting. Too bad you did not land any shrimp! but then we must be thankful for what the Lord gives [[/strikethrough]]us ha! ha! The Islands must be very interesting and I believe you had time enough to examine them pretty well as I think Mrs. S. told me you were there a month, so I hope you got lots of fine things. When your diary ended you were just about to go out on a fishing trip with the lobster fishermen. I hope it was a success.

Miss Rathbun had a letter from you yesterday - you are such a hopeless sinner that you hardly every date your letters but she managed to make out the post mark to be Jan. 5. The last date on the diary that I have seen was Dec. 14. The letter was from Valparaiso and you were about to start by steamer for Punta Arenas. I hope this trip was not so dreary as the one to the Islands. I do hope you will be able to get to the Falklands for it would be terrible to be so near and not get there. Take the time to do it and don't hurry back although we are all anxious to see you especially Mrs. S. who says she is not going to let you slip away from her again in a hurry, so you had better make the most of it this trip.

I am very sorry to have to give you more bad news in this letter but yesterday we saw in the paper 

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (21 Aug 17) reviewed - No period after "2"