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the death of Prof. Nutting. Just a small paragraph telling who he was, but gave no particulars in regard to his death.

His paper on the Philippine Hydroids is now in press. I sent over the proof, then it was sent to him, and thus Miss Rathbun went over it and straightened out many things which all of us had overlooked so it should come out in pretty fair shape.

Dr. Benedict went up to Yale and had all of the Verrill specimens shipped back to the U.S.N.M. They are going to try to get Miss Olmsted to check them off by the list that Miss Rathbun and Dr. Benedict made when they were at Yale a few years ago.

I suppose Mrs. Schmitt has told you of the scheme the S.I. has for raising money for the endowment. If not I will say that they are going to have in the main hall of the S.I. down stairs, an exhibit some-what on the order of those that the Carnegie gets up every year. Each division of the Museum is to have an exhibit illustrating some phase of the work. We are going to have an [[cross-out]]exp[[/cross-out]] exhibit of Foraminifera. I shall have some plates from that Foram. paper of Cushman's published by the S.I., a Map of the world showing the areas of the ocean bottom covered by Forams. and the areas worked up, a sample of Forams from a dredge haul, a piece of well boring, and [[cross-out]]th[[/cross-out]] that litter exhibit of [[cross-out]]of[[/cross-out]] Forams, in the case with the microscope and revolving disc.

A number of millionaires are to be invited and they are to be given a luncheon in the S.I. and then shown the exhibits. This all is supposed to put them in a good enough humor to induce them to part with a few millions. I hope it will, but I have some misgivings. In the first place nearly all the exhibits will be drawn from the Museum which is not run by S.I. money, but is a government Bureau run on gov. money. I do not

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (21 Aug 17) reviewed - the "when" in "when they were at Yale a few years ago" was inserted. - "some-what" should be put together (hyphenated due to end of line)