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write it for nothing, for I know how precious time is with you. I did as you wished, mentioned the latter part of your last year's trip. We have not finished sorting your material by a great deal as of course we are short handed and there is so much routine office work that takes so much of Maloney's and my time. Perhaps Bryant has written you that we have at [[strikethrough]]labs[[/strikethrough]]last been relieved of Miss Catlin. It was some experience, believe me, too long to go into here, but you may get some idea when I say that when her time was up she persisted in coming back and going to work. I think I handled the situation as diplomatically as anyone could, and in a way I believe [[/strikethrough]]to[[/strikethrough]] it was best that you were away at the time. I of course was not responsible for her dismissal so she could not jump on me and you were too far away to jump on. It has been the greatest relief to be rid of her. The office seems like another place, such a different atmosphere. The powers that be would not prolong Miss. S's