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has been no decision on the subject yet. Miss R. said to me that she was the best fitted to go as she and Dr. Benedict had gone up and gone over and listed everything sometime ago and she remembered pretty well how things stood. But it does seem a pitty for her to have to waste her time and strength for such a purpose. And after all I wonder how valuable the specimens are [[/strikethrough]]. Where in the devil will we put them if we get them. Space is certainly rapidly becoming one of our greatest problems. No doubt Miss R. has told you that Miss Dichmann is again in this country and is attending [[/strikethrough]] some scientific school at Harvard. She has probably come to stay this time. She is coming to the museum during the Christmas holidays to do some work. Hope everything is going well with you and that you are enjoying every minute of your time. You must go to Punta Arenas this time as you may never have the chance again, but if you do not bring me a good lot of amphipods