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Fort Jefferson are to be published in the "Geographic" in connection with Dr. Langley's article on the Tortugas fishes. Bartsch as you know was there the last two weeks and he put his best foot foremost and did his best to be nice to everybody-you would have hardly known him. But I can tell you the boat hands were sore as H--- with him at times. He took a lot of undersea motion pictures and when he came home and developed them they were no good. They were mostly over-exposed and the camera leaked light badly. I hope you are getting some fine pictures and especially we want to see what it looks like around the Straits of Magellan. I have been wondering what luck you had with the films you had developed in Peru.

We have not had much cold weather and to-day it is beautiful and sunny and mild. Washington is as well as he usually is in winter-you know what that means.