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which has not yet arrived. I think it is a very nice lot of material especially the Amphipods which will probably keep me busy for the rest of my life.
Bassler has looked at the Bryozoans and seemed very much interested and wants all the debris saved so he can look over it carefully. 

My paper on the [[underlined]]Bateidae[[/underlined]] was handed in soon after you left and Benjamin says it will not be printed until January as there is so much ahead of it. I am still working on the Tortugas Amphipods but they are progressing rather slowly as much of my time is taken up with the routine due to my inexperience. 

Dr. Fisher is here and will be for some time but I have not seen him. He was in to see me but I was off for the half day so missed him. He may want working room with us again in which case we will be glad to accom-