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modate him. 

Dr. Fish and his wife have also been here and spent nearly a whole day with us. He is just as enthusiastic as ever and just as full of energy. Says they got lots of fine things on the "Arcturus" Exped. The Crustacea of which will be sent to us. I can see there is no danger of our running out of work!

As you will see I opened the enclosed letter from Capt. Bartlet. I wrote him saying that you would not return from S.A. until January, but that we would be very glad to have the fish stomachs and any other material that he might have collected. It is too bad that he did not have a collecting outfit.
We are all well and all send best wishes. Take good care of yourself.

[[signed]] Clarence [[/signed]]  

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 review: - "modate"- rest of the word "accommodate" from the previous page - "and his wife" was inserted in and "have" was originally "has" but was written over