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 it somewhat ahead of you. 
 A few days ago I heard of the death of Dr. Randsom the internal parasite man but I do not know what the trouble was. It is too bad for he was quite young - in the fortys. 
 Washington is working three days a week in B's stack now. If you can remember how many days he owes Bartsch I wish you would let me know. 
 Maloney is OK and working hard as usual. 
 It has been pretty hot all the first part of Sept. but now it has turned pretty cool. 56[[degree symbol]] this morning. We go to the island every Sunday as usual and have a great time. It is a great place and I do not see how we ever did without it. 
 Well I do not think of anything else of interest so will close with best wishes and the hope that you are taking the best of care of yourself. Yours - 