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Draft - for full press list.

For release March     , 1924.

Smithsonian Institution.


The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution at Washington has Just announced that the time limit for receiving applications for the Walter Rathbone Bacon Travelling Scholarship has been extended to June 1, 1924. This scholarship, founded through a bequest from Mrs. Virginia Purdy Bacon of New York, is for the "study of the fauna of countries other than the United States", the amount available being about $2,400 per year.

Applications for this scholarship, addressed to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, should contain a detailed plan for the proposed study including a statement as to the faunal problems involved; the reasons why it should be undertaken; the benefits that are expected to accrue; the length of time considered necessary for the carrying out of the project; the estimated cost; and the scientific and physical qualifications of the applicant to undertake the project.

The scholarship will be awarded for a term of two years. If at the expiration of the term it is desired to extend the time, the incumbent shall make application a sufficient time in advance, accompanied by a statement as to the necessity for such extension.

All collections, photographs, records, and equipment become the property of the Institution.

The incumbent shall not engage in work for remuneration or receive salary from other sources than the Institution or its branches during the period of the occupancy of this scholarship.

For any other information regarding this scholarship, address the Secretary, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.