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March 1, 1923.

Memorandum for the Secretary:

In transmitting herewith Dr. W. Schmitt's application of February 28 for a grant or travelling scholarship under the terms of the will of Mrs. Virginia Purdy Bacon, I beg to observe that the plan as outlined seems feasible. It is also realized that it is highly desirable that Miss Rathbun should be supplied with the necessary material for her forthcoming systematic papers on crustacea. It is finally admitted that the collections of the Museum would be greatly enriched with specimens of marine invertebrates of all classes from a region now poorly represented in our Museum.

Not knowing what decisions have been reached with regard to the distribution of this scholarship, nor whether it is applicable to general collecting for systematic purposes chiefly rather than to a study of a definite fauna or faunal problem, I am unable to make a definite recommendation. It would appear to me desirable that applications for such a scholarship should be publicly invited, so that the Head Curator of Biology, in case his opinion is desired, should have a chance to express a preference in case of several applications from faunal zoologists being submitted. No doubt a number of projects for faunal studies would be submitted, and the merits of each should be carefully studied before a grant is made.

Very respectfully,

Head Curator,
Dept. of Biology.