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(7). [[underlined]]Qualifications.[[underlined]]-

(a) [[underlined]]Degrees:[[underlined]]B.S. George Washington University, 1913; M.A., University of California, 1916; Ph.D., George Washington University, 1922.

(b) [[underlined]]Positions:[[underlined]] Aid in Economic Botahy, U.S.Department of Agriculture 1907-1910; Aid, Division of Marine Invertebrates, U.S. National Museum, 1910; Scientific Assistant, Steamer "Albatross" , U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, 1910-1913, Naturalist of same 1914; Assistant Curator, Division of Marine Invertebrates, U. S. National Museum, 1915-1920, Curator since 1920.

(c). [[underlined]]Field experience.[[underlined]]In the early part of 1911, I participated in the Albatross Lower (and Gulf of) California Cruise, conducted by the American Museum of Natural History under the direction of Dr. C.H.Townsend; in the summer and fall of the same year I was engaged in salmon investigations for the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries in the Chignik Lake region of the Alaska Peninsula; from 1912-1913, I took an active part in the Biolobical Survey of San Francisco Bay under the leadership of Dr. F.B. Sumner, now of the Scripps Institution; and in 1914, personally directed the Halibut Survey, undertaken by the Bureau of Fisheries off the coasts of Washington and Oregon as Naturalist of the Steamer Albatross, to which vessel I was attached as assistant naturalist during the three years preceding. In 1918, under detail to the Bureau of Fisheries, I spent three months in Southern California, in connection with certain studies on the life history of the Spiny Lobster. 

[[underlined]]d. Publications.[[underlined]] Survey of the Fishing Grounds on the Coast of Washington and Oregon in 1914m Bureau of Fisheries Doc. No. 817, 30 pages, 1 plate, 2 charts, Washington, D.C., 1915. Schizopod Crustaceans of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-19, 8 pages, 3 text figures, Ottawa, 1919.- the Marine Decapod Crustacea of California, 470 pages, 50 plates, 165 text figures, Univ. California Pub. Zool.,vol. 23, Berkeley, 1921.-Report on the Crustacea Macrura (Families Peneidae, Camplonotidae and Panadalidae) obtained by the F.I.S., "Endeavour" in Australian Seas; for the Australian Museum, now in press. 

[[underlined]]e. Physical. [[underlined]]-Health very good, eyes astigmatic, fully corrected by glasses, and somewhat hard of hearing, but neither to the extent of hindering my field work, set forth above, or the laboratory work upon which my publications have been based. Will gladly furnish any desired medical certification.

(8). [[underlined]]Time.[[underlined]] If possible, should like to be permitted to become the Walter Rathbone Bacon Scholar for the two year period beginning July 1, 1925, or July 1, 1926.


/s/ Waldo L. Schmitt
Curator of Marine Invertebrates.

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 reviewed: - Misspelling of "Biological" in "Biological Survey of San Francisco" is a transcriber error and was correct in the original document. - "1914m" was a transcriber typo, it was "1914," in the original document. - The "-19" in "Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-19" was a transcriber typo, it was "-18," in the original document. - "Camplonotidae" is a transcriber error, it should be "Campylonotidae". - "Panadalidae" is a transcriber error, it should be "Pandalidae".