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American Consular Service
Punta Arenas, Chile, November 30, 1925.

Dr.Waldo L. Schmitt,
c/o American Consul,
Montevideo, Uruguay.

Receipt is acknowledged of your recent, undated, letter, with reference to your proposed trip to Punta Arenas and to the seven cases of material which you had shipped care of this Consulate.
Sometime ago this office received an instruction from the Department of State to the effect that the seven cases of material has been sent care of the American Consul at Punta Arenas, Chile, but no bill of lading or  Consular invoices for the good were ever received. They arrived here on the steamship RIO BUENO in early October, and in the early part of November I received a notice that they had to be dispached drom the customs house. Thinking that you would arrive shortly, I had them dispatched on a guarantee that the shipping documents would be delivered within three months. I therefore have to request that you forward them as soon as possible, if they are in your possession, or notify whoever has them.