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Dear Sir,

Hereby I take liberty of informing you that I have to sale some very fine and remarkable geological and mineralogical collections from the Argentine Republic and Uruguay.

These collections have been made by an European Geologist who was engaged in exploration and collecting work in these countries for several years and who is famous of being a specialist in fine and lucid arrangement of collections.

The collections are composed of freshand typical specimens of a regular size, very suitable for museum and scientific institutions, as well as for teaching work in Geology, Mineralogy, and Mining. They are used by several professors of geology in their lectures.
Each specimen of these collections is carefully classified, properly prepared and fully labelled. Besides this, each collection bears an exact and complete text containing all desirable information.
In the rapid advancement now being made in the knowledge of ore deposits, those of South-America may offer a special interest representing a somewhat anomalous type which has not yet been studied thoroughly. These collections contain not only the principal ores with associated minerals and wallrocks, but also the igneous rocks in connection with them and a full set of rock illustrating the general geological conditions of the deposits in question. Besides there are available smelting products and samples showing stages of working those minerals.
The collection of the Sierra de Cordoba is a collection of a very high value, illustrating the phenomena of metamorphism in such a hadsome manner and with such a variety that it obtained the highest award (Grand Prize) in the Universal Exposition of Turin (Italy) in 1911. In the same way the other collections too, offer a very great scientific interest, being the first systematic collections made in countries where geological and mineralogical studies until now have been made only occasionally and by way of rapid explorations.
Enclosed you will find a list with an approximate index and summary description of these collections. The prices are very low considering the great expenses of long lasting travelling in those countries and the difficulties met with in bringing materials from remote localities to the railroad stations or seaports. All these collections were made originally for a great European scientific institution, but due to the impossibility of shipping them to Europe at present, the owner was obliged to offer them for sale anywhere. This is an unique chance of getting a fine collection representing a many years effort.
The price is payable in uruguayan currency, without freight and package; but payment can be made by instalments at your convenience.

Hoping that I will be favoured by an early reply,

I remain,

yours very truly,

Transcription Notes:
- The pre-printed is referring to the letterhead. All the rest is typed. - Transcriber error: First paragraph should end with "from Uruguay." - Transcriber error: Fifth paragraph: "a full set of rocks"