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[[type written,hand signed]]
20th December 1927

Dr Waldo L Schmidtt
Curator of Marine Invertebrates
Smithsonian Institution
[[underlined]]Washington D.C.[[underlined]]
Dear Dr Schmitt.
Your favour of the 19th October received O.K. and in reply thereto, beg to inform you that mye efforts have not met with much success.  All the views obtainable are copyright, and those private ones are difficult to get hold of, however the P.S.N.C. gave me one of their vessel in Cumberland Bay which is quite a good photo.
I have asked my assistant if he could get me some prints, but his friends have all small ones, which are not suitable for your article.
I naturally regret that my mission has not been successful but as you will understand it is through no fault of mine, am however asking friends of mine who are going to Juan Fernandez this Christmas to take some good photos, and to let me have a few of their prints. and in case they get some which will be suitable for reproduccion will forward them, so as to make a basis for a further article at some future date. 
I sincerely thank you for all your kind wishes, which are reciprocated both by my assistant Orchard, as well as myself. Trusting you are in the best of health, and that some future date will bring us together. Mr. Coniez wishes to be kindly remembered to you and also thank you for the regards sent. 
Kind regerda and wishing you all the good you wish yourself in the forthcoming year, I remain Yours very truly Albert [[?]]