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[[pre-printed stationery/hand signed/edited w/handwritten note at bottom]]
November 6, 1926

Dr. Waldo L. Schmitt,
c/o American Consular Agent,
Paita, Peru,
South America.

Dear Waldo:
I was glad to get word from you and have done what I can about the Barbasco nuts. The material arrived in fair condition although the fruit pulp was somewhat fermented in one or two cases. Dr. Skeels of the Office of Foreign Seed and Plant Introduction has undoubtedly identified this fruit as coming from on of the species of Jacquinia. It is probably from J. Barbasco, Mez. He cannot be certain of the species, however, unless you can have sent some of the foliage and flowers. Our old friend, Paul Russell, also aided in getting the material identified. F.S.P.I. is quite interested in the material and Dr. Skeels asked that you send in the herbarium specimens of the foliage and flowers. I should also mention that [[inserted correction]] J.Barbasco Mez.[[inserted correction]][[/strikeout]]sp[[/strikeout]]seems to be identical with [[inserted correction]]J. Armillaris,[[inserted correction]]Jacq. The plant belongs to the family of Theophrastaceae.
I have run down all of the suggested references to the literature but have not unearthed anything relative to the active chemical agent of the material. The references have been card-indexed for your information on your return. 
Dr. O.F. Black, of Dr. Alsberg's old laboratory, Poison Plants Investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry, is going to examine the fruit, at least qualitatively, to determine whether the poison is due to saponins or some other substance. The men familiar with similar plants, including Dr. F.B.Power, think that it is likely that the poison is saponin. 
With best wishes for success in your field work and a safe return, I remain Yours sincerely,
G.P. Walton.
^[[P.S. Dr. Skeels selected some of the seeds, for a trial at growing some of the plants]] 

Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 reviewed Transcriber errors: - need period after 1926 - the word "on" should be "one" in "coming from one of the species of Jacquinia". - ^[[inserted correction]] J. b [[//inserted correction]]arbasco - ^[[inserted correction]] Mez.[[//inserted correction]] - ^[[strikeout]]sp.[[/strikeout]] - ^[[inserted correction]]J. a[[//inserted correction]]rmillaris, Jacq. - "someother" has a very faint penciled line in between "some" and "other" to indicate a space is needed. - "F.B.Power" has correct spacing in the original document(F. B. Power). - last sentence should say: "your field of work" instead of just "field work" - "Pellham" should only have one "l" and is a handwritten signature - P.S. note ends with a period