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right in among all those museum women! And then you think you wont have to pay up? Just wait and see!!! That's not the only one I've had to stand either.

Well, I got another speaker for you Rachel[[good guess]]Owens Wilcox and she did wonderfully. I played well too. The kids are home- Easter vacation fearfully hot weather already and the roof has sprung two big leaks. Erwin tried to fix them and [[underlined]]did[[/underlined]]but succeeded in making another while he was up there. He did his best. Aunta Eda is here with Wilma but I dont expect to see her. 

I've been asked to become one of the directors of the Civic Study Club. Ahem! Mrs [[good guess]]Lewton[[good guess]]has made five thousand dollars selling real estate. 
The boy does very well in school but the tests are due next week so