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be too late anyway.Erwin is quite deleriously happy in this group. Mrs. Barrons has tried to worry me more by saying that [[underlined]]you[[/underlined]]would certainly [[underlined]]tan[[underlined]][[/underlined]]me[[underlined]] for allowing the boy to be put in that group. She [[underlined]]did[[/underlined]] want me to back her up and strengthen her case, but nevertheless her boy is doing very poor work now and my boy is [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]].

I've gotten over my building fever now and I'm looking at houses. the ones I want are sixty thousand and up. What shall I do?

The new secretary hasn't been announced yet. Even though Wetmore [[double underlined]]may[[/double underlined]] [[underlined]]not[[/underlined]] get the job now he's certainly being prepared for it.[[underlined]]No[[/underlined]][[underlined]]doubt[[/underlined]][[underlined]]about[[/underlined]][[underlined]]it![[/underlined]] You never pick up a paper but what he's featured. Try to get here at a time when