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more. The Rutledges nearly lost their home and [[underlined]]would[[/underlined]] have if Mr. Lewton hadn't warned them one day in advance. John is so in debt and so behind in all his payments that he can't last. And he doesn't let people know (as he did to me) and Rutledges house would have been advertised for sale the following day without their [[strikethrough]] knoweledge [[/strikethrough]] knowledge. 

You must have that Bank stock somewhere! I enquired at the bank and they said you have it. Did you get that bank draft sent to B.A.? I guess you've gotten Bryant's letter telling of Wetmore's luck. Darn him! Walt gave a big art exhibit in N.Y. and now goes to Chicago with it. It made a big hit. I can't send you the clippings because the Austins were up here last night (it was so warm we had ginger ale) and Muriel borrowed them