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[[circled]]9[[/circled]] Jan 21/27 Dear Stummy A last minute hasty scrawl (I guess all mine look like hasty scrawls to you). It's getting Chillier (in Chile naturally) every day. I'm beginning to think I need some underwear between what I've got on B.V.D.'s and the real heavy stuff. Yes I have it in my drawer at home but unfortunately not here. If necessary I'll buy a [[underlined]]few[[/underlined]] pieces in [[??]] if there is time. Are you real well again girl, do wire if you need me. I can get home just that much sooner than if you write. Girl, girl, oh! [[underlined]]girl[[/underlined]] of [[underlined]]mine[[/underlined]], what haven't I left you to go through alone. Just a little while longer and I hope I'll be home forever and more. Give the kids a good hug for me and let them give you a couple for me. I'll bet I [[?crack]]