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that room we'll be needing overcoats, in fact evenings are too cool to be comfortable on deck. It breaks my heart to think of how many weeks it will be before I get your next letter. Yes I am crazy to hear how your very good health is; hope you haven't gotten another gall bladder, or stone to burst or break. I was wondering if what burst that other time would be a sort of recuring thing or not. Let's hope not. I got a letter from [[Dick?]], I thought I would send you, but then I didn't want it to fall in Ernies hands. He asks if I thought it might help if he wrote the Frat in the boys behalf. I advised against it pending my return. Too much boosting and urging is worse than too little. I think everything will come around in good shape at the right time. Financially Ernie is in no great rush, and another year his chances might be even better, after hes more acquainted around the campus.
Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (15 Aug 2017): review. Original transcriber is correct that the name is Dick. I compared the "D" in the previous page's "Dear."