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The Wetmores are certainly being pushed into everything. He is now president of the Nat. Acad. and Mrs. Wetmore is featured by the twentieth century club etc. She's now in my book club too. 

The Kinsmans (of the Mother's Club) are leaving for California next week permanently. Lucky devils! I'm sorry to see her go. I like her. 

Our bank is not declaring any dividends on the stock this year. Looks like a bad investment. A building asso. would have been better. Are your plans all ready for the new house? Shall I engage a carpenter and bricklayer and stone mason and plumber and steam fitter?

I'm still on [[underlined]] very [[/underlined]] good terms with Aunt Alice so you needn't worry about [[underlined]]that[[/underlined]]and she's sick now so I'm having some peace for the time being. She has gall trouble too but she's lucky enough to be able to go to bed and [[underlined]]stay[[/underlined]] there. Maybe I caught it from her!