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I want a fireplace, a real stairway going upstairs, three bedrooms, a den off the living room, and I don't know what to do with the bathroom. That with the old stairway removed would make a good den and then of course a furnace. Come along old top I've got the gimmies and I'm going to keep them too. There's a new song out called "My girl has eye trouble," eye want this & eye want that - That's me! Have you seen the Geographic for January? Dr. Longley has an article on Tortugas and mentions you. It's very cold to-day. Ice on all the windows. I'm afraid to try to start the car. I pour boiling water over the carburator now but the battery is so slow in this weather. I had to tell Mrs. Daudt that you can't speak to her association in March so she has set the twentieth of April. Will that be alright? You can talk
Transcription Notes:
jeni92127 (17 August 2017): reviewed