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Rudolf says Vera is getting worse and worse. She's a walking skeleton. And I think LaSalle knows what's wrong but won't say boo about it. The building asso. sent me the deed to the place with the cancelled note for $330.00. I've also gotten tax blanks which must be returned by March 15[[underlined]]th[[/underlined]]. Do I have to fill it out? Income tax. Now I know why Barrows didn't go to the reception. They failed to receive an invitation. It must have been a mistake but you know how sensitive he [[end page]] [[start page]] Jan. 5, 1927 Dear Waldo, Your telegram arrived so I'm writing this one and only letter to Punta Arenas. So far as I know at this time anyway. Sister is reading aloud to me while I'm writing so if you find some such words as red hen you'll know what's happened. She reads very nicely. The boy is doing good work too. I expected all sorts of trouble with long division