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yet whether I have the book itself or not, but I'm not worried about it anyway. I wish I could save more money, but I can't seem to, and goodness knows I don't spend any unnecessarily. The kids are still alive at present and the boy does nothing but talk of when he gets a room of his own so something's got to happen mighty fast Ed has fixed Ned a wonderful room - cupboards for collections-desk-and all and the boy is quite jealous - and so am I! [[end page]] [[start page]] Dec. 27, 1926 Dear Waldo, The mad Xmas rush is about over but Erwin is having a week's leave so with the three kids in this one room - rainy weather out - it's anything but fun for me. We were at your mothers for Xmas as usual, Rudolf was down, and we spent the next evening at Ed's. I'm beginning to believe that my suspicions of Mr. Lohr are