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[[stamped]] OCT 20 1924 [[/stamped]]

    Description of Burpee Self Pruning Tomato-
Habit very erect, no tendency to straggling growth. Laterals from leaf joints producing fruiting stalks, which are long with long stems on individual fruits, making an open spray, thus preventing crowding the fruits. Consequently there are absolutely no misshapen ones. Size medium, perfectly smooth and uniform. Color deep pink, without variation clear to the stem. A basket of this variety is most attractive both in coloring and uniformity. No pruning required when tied to stakes, but vine must be securely fastened as they are extremely prolific. I grew six other varieties this season but none compared with it in number of fruits reaching maturity. Very solid and of the finest quality. I have grown tomatoes for many years and find this variety entirely  distinct from any other in that the laterals produce fruit spurs before making any growth, and the only branches appearing came from the base of the plant after fruit was set. A unique and very valuable variety where the market (as in this vicinity) prefers a medium sized, perfectly smooth, and thoroughly ripened tomato, with no green end and no tendency to crack even late in the season. It is equally valuable for the home garden and can be closely grown
      T R Callender