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[[stamped]] OCT 30 1924 [[/stamped]]

  ^[[ #4785]] 

Burpee's Self-Pruning Tomato- G J Turney
 Decatur, Ill.
      The name emphasizes the very valuable commercial feature that no trimming is necessary with this tomato.
  As grown in our gardens this tomato not only bore out the promise of self-training growth but also  far surpased my expectations based on description in catalog.
 It was among our first to ripen and the sturdy vines of medium height were continuously loaded with clusters of luscious ripe fruit till last week "Jack Frost" kissed their usefulness good bye. This feature of long season of bearing is destined to make it a popular home garden variety.
  The perfectly smooth, spherical, pink-red fruit is very solid and is ideal for shipping or canning.
  Last, but not least, I was delighted with the tremendous yield from every vine. On one vine, from which several ripe tomatoes had already been taken, I counted more than three dozen perfect tomatoes.
  Unless a person is especially anxious for large fruit I consider the Burpee Self-Pruning Tomato par excellent.
[[underline]] Oct 28, 1924 [[/underline]]