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[[stamped]]SEP 2 - 1925[[/stamped]]

[[underline]]FOR PRIZE CONTEST[[/underline]]

W. Atlee. Burpee Co.

Dear Sirs, 

An unused chicken house,- imagination, Burpee seeds and loving work.

Sweet peas in the loveliest shades, and brilliant nasturtiums in wonderful colours climbing the walls,-giant sunflowers standing sentinel at the corners.

Shy love-in-a-mist, snapdragon and Shasta daisies at their feet, while across the way are cornflowers blue as the sky, mignonette and candytuft.

Vegetables growing as luxuriantly as the flowers, with peas and tomatoes astonishing everyone, in the plot beyond, with more big sunflowers guarding the boundary line; and an end fence with sweet peas and nasturtiums and scarlet runners rioting over it.

Can you see it ? If not, this letter is no good. 

Yours truly,

V. Hutchinson.

Mrs. G. Hutchinson
120 Long Court