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^[[Ans 8/26/24]]

For Prize Contest

1292 1/2 Hunter Ave. Columbus, Ohio
Aug. 11, 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co.


Your prize contest has interested me considerably, perhaps because "Burpee's" have been one of the essentials at periods in my life.

My father raised Burpee's vegetables as a matter of economy.  At his death, however, it became a proposition of life or death for my Mother and ^[[her]] five children.

For six years Mother did truck gardening with Burpee's seeds exclusively and I raised flowers with which I took enough premiums at Ashtabula County fair to pay my High School expenses.

Today I am married and we are planning on a little place of four to ten acres for trucking and Burpee will be our household god, with his power turned to the care and education of the little one coming soon.

Our previous connection with you was under the name of Iva L. Mills and the largest orders were between 1912 and 1920.  City conditions since then ^[[(155)]] have curtailed our gardening but no more.

Very truly yours,
Mrs. L. W. Fox.