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^[[Ans 8/26/24]]
[[stamped]]AUG 12, 1924[[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.           
"What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me."

Down in Nova Scotia, in the beautiful land of Evangeline, where so many of the American people come to spend the holiday seasons, and enjoy our green fields, cool breezes, shady trees, and beaches, finds my tiny flower garden. I plant and care for my garden just for pleasure, - pleasure not for myself alone but for those around me.  My flower seeds and bulbs come from W. Atlee Burpee Co., Philadelphia.

My first pleasure is to send out my order for seeds, that I have always found true to name and never fail to grow.  Secondly, to plant and then watch the tiny plants develop until I finally have a wealth of beautiful blooms.  Thirdly, the pleasure of giving my flowers to my neighbours, carrying them to the aged,