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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
[[stamped]] Aug 13 1924 [[/stamped]]

41. Grove St.
Warsaw N.Y.
Aug 11. 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co..

Dear Sirs!

"For Prize Contest."

It is with great pleasure as well as my good fortune to be able to testify to the splendid results I have obtained from planting "Burpee Seeds"

For upwards of twenty years I have found them to prove absolutely true to catalogue recommendation and description

I have occasionally patronized other seed-houses, but have long since resolved to use only "Burpee Seeds", and as a result have been able to make such exhibits at our "Wyoming County Fair" for a number of years so that I have received from twenty to thirty first premiums each year on fruit, vegetable and flowers grown from "Burpee Seeds", and I expect to secure my usual large share of first premiums again this year.

Very respectfully yours,
DeWirt Johnson.