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[[stamped]] AUG 11 1924 [[/stamped]]
^[[Ans 8/25/24]]

"For Prize Contest"

Tidioute, Pa.
Aug. 8, 1924

Dear friend seed-growers:

I think that I might sum up the benefit of Burpee's seeds to me as follows:  "They have made me healthy, wealthy, happy, and wise."

You may wonder how seeds may make a person healthy. In the first place I had to work to get my flower garden - (for my Burpee Seeds were all flowers).  Then I discovered that the very best part of summer is between 5:30 and 7:00 A.M.  Therefore I arise at 5:30 every morning, just to watch my flowers open in the morning dew with the early sun sparkling on them.

I have made no "cold cash" with my flowers. While I am poor, it would spoil my pleasure