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Burpee's Home Garden collection

7002 A Complete Vegetable Garden, 25 x 50 Feet


[[illustration of box containing seed packets with the text: "BURPEE'S Home Garden Collection" "A COMPLETE GARDEN 25 X 50"]]

This box contains enough seed to plant a complete garden--23 different varieties of vegetables. All the varieties have been carefully selected. We have grown this garden on the "Burpee Demonstration Plot" at FORDHOOK FARMS, Doylestown, Pa., for a number of years, and many visitors have expressed the idea that this particular garden would just fill their need for the family table. The Garden Plan, with full instructions on the planting and care, is a sure guide to success. The box contains one packet each of the following assortment of vegetables:

1 Pkt. each: BEET, Burpee's Black-Red Ball
BEET, Burpee's Columbia
BEET, Burpee's New Half-Long
CARROT, Danvers Half-Long
CARROT, Half-Long Nantes
ONION, Prize-Taker
PARSNIP, Long Smooth Hollow Crown
RADISH, Burpee's Earliest Scarlet Button
RADISH, White Icicle
SALSIFY, Sandwich Island Mammoth
TURNIP, White Egg
CABBAGE, Burpee's Extra-Early Jersey Wakefield
LETTUCE, Burpee's Brittle-Ice
PARSLEY, Extra-Curled Dwarf
BEAN, Burpee's Kidney Wax
SWEET CORN, Burpee's Sweet Orange
SWEET CORN, Burpee's Earliest Catawba
CUCUMBER, Extra-Early White Spine
SQUASH, Early White Bush
TOMATO, Chalk's Early Jewel

Also two packets each: BEAN, Burpee's Fordhook Favorite, and
POLE LIMA BEAN, Burpee's Giant-Podded

Burpee's Home Garden Collection contains 25 packets of 23 different varieties of vegetables. If purchased separately, it would cost $2.75. Mailed complete to any address for $2.00.
Burpee's Country Garden Collection

7010 A Complete Vegetable Garden, 100 x 100 Feet


This wonderful collection produces a continuous supply of good things that it would seem almost impossible to grow on a plot of this size. It has been carefully tested out and will meet the requirements of the larger suburban or country garden. Every collection contains a complete garden plan and instruction sheet which will make it very easy to lay out the plot and guide the gardener to success. The box contains:

1 Pkt. each: TURNIP, Early Red or Purple-Top Strap Leaf - TURNIP, Petrowski —KOHL-RABI, Early White Vienna — BRUSSELS SPROUTS, Burpee's Danish Prize —CABBAGE, Burpee's Extra-Early Jersey Wakefield —CABBAGE, Early Summer -
 SAVOY CABBAGE, Perfection Drumhead — CAULIFLOWER, Burpee's Best Early —
 CAULIFLOWER, Early Snowball - CELERY, Golden Self-Blanching — LETTUCE, Big Boston — LETTUCE, Dwarf White Heart Cos — LETTUCE, California Cream Butter —
 LETTUCE, Burpee's Brittle-Ice — PARSLEY, Extra-Curled Dwarf — CUCUMBER, Burpee's Extra-Early White Spine —
 CUCUMBER, Early Fortune —
 EGG PLANT, Burpee's Black Beauty — OKRA, Perfected Perkins' Long-Pod - PEPPER, Burpee's Sunnybrook —
 PUMPKIN, Small Sugar —
 SUMMER SQUASH, Early White Bush — WINTER SQUASH, Red or Golden Hubbard — TOMATO, Bonny Best - TOMATO, Burpee's Matchless — TOMATO, Yellow Pear.

2 Pkts. each: RADISH, Burpee's Earliest Scarlet Button — RADISH, White Icicle — CELERY, Easy Blanching — MUSKMELON, Burpee's Fordhook —
 MUSKMELON, Burpee's Emerald Gem.

1 Oz. each: BEET, Burpee's Columbia — BEET, Edmand's Early — CARROT, Danvers Half-Long - CARROT, Chantenay — ONION, Prize-Taker — SALSIFY, Sandwich Island Mammoth — SWISS CHARD, Lucullus — WATERMELON, Kleckley Sweets.

2 Ozs. each: PARSNIP, Long Smooth Hollow Crown — SPINACH, Savoy-Leaved.

1/2 Lb.: POLE BEAN, Burger's Stringless Green-Pod.

1 Lb. each: BEAN, Burpee's Fordhook Favorite — BEAN, Burpee's Kidney Wax - BUSH LIMA BEAN, Burpee's Fordhook — POLE LIMA BEAN, Burpee's Giant-Podded — POLE LIMA BEAN, King of the Garden — SWEET CORN, Burpee's Sweet Orange — SWEET CORN, Stowell's Evergreen.

1 1/2 Lbs. each: PEAS, Extra-Early Gradus — PEAS, Burpee's Blue Bantam - PEAS, Telephone.

Burpee's Country Garden Collection contains 52 varieties of 33 different kinds of vegetables, arranged to give a plentiful and continuous supply for a large family. If purchased separately, this collection would cost $11.78. It will be delivered to you complete for $10.00.
Burpee's Annual, 1924 9