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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]

August 12 - 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.

Dear Sir's

I take pleasure in entering your contest. I am allways interested in making the best of fruit and flowers. And I intend if possible to take some to our County Fair Sept 8th

I could write more on fruit and flowers but words are limited. My husband was a gardener (but now passed away) and bought all his seeds from Burpee Co. Some years ago was a contest for a winter Radish a Prize for the best description and one for a name I took the Prize for the best description but not the name, I think the White Chinese is the one. 

We do not run a very large garden but mostly have vegetables to see over our own use. 

I hope to be able to cultivate flowers a few more years though I am past 70 years and love to work in there.

Mrs Annie Corden
Rout 5 Jackson Mich.

P.S. The leaves looked extra large on my nastrum bed that I enclose a sample.