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For Prize Contest

[[underline]]What Burpee's ^[[Seeds]] have done for us.

The greatest pleasure in Spring time is planting home gardens, work with our own hands in the soil is the natural life. There's a thrill watching the garden grow, First; the delicate sprouts to the [[hearvest?]] of all.

The seeds so far have helped us wonderfully, our spinach bed was of great value supplying our table of five and seven persons for several weeks. Then the stringless green pod bean, and the brittle wax, The bushes are large and strong The beans are a picture loaded with beans we served them twice a day for three weeks, have given messes to our friends and sold some and will have some for Succatash

The Lima Beans are also loaded with beans for winter use

Swiss Chard is a favourite and for home use, Golden Bantam Corn and Evergreen we consume and can. Squashes, Onions, Pumpkins, Cucumber, Carrots for winter and pickling. 

My flowers from your seeds are fine, the nastrums are a picture, just loaded ^[[with]] flowers, I love to give them to my church and friends. The Phlox Drummondi are true to name
The Color's are wonderful, Cosmos, Strawflowers, Salvias, are fine. I am hoping to take some to our County Fair, Sept 8th.

Mrs Annie Corden Rout 5 Jackson Mich