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[[red ink]]^[[06551]] [[/red ink]]
^[[Ans 8/27/24]]


Whitefield, N. H.
August 8, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sirs:

Our house was sorely burdened by a mortgage to reduce which I have for several years been growing from Burpee's Seeds certain plants whose flowers I have sold to the summer guests of a nearby hotel. From the proceeds of such sales our mortgage has been gradually reduced and will soon be wiped out.

During the summer of nineteen twenty-one the hotel referred to - The Mountain View House, at Whitefield, N. H. - had the honor of entertaining the late President Harding and Mrs. Harding.  To add my little to the welcome given the distinguished guests I sent a basket of my beautiful sweet peas, and in acknowledgement I received the following note: 

"The White House

August 12, 1921.

My dear Mrs. Ditcheverry:

The President joins me in expressing our warm thanks for the lovely sweet peas. We enjoyed them immensely and appreciate the generous and freindly thought which prompted the gift.
With our best wishes,
Sincerely yours, 
Florence Kling Harding.
Mrs. A. Ditcheverry,
...Whitefield, N.H."

So, through my flowers I am the possessor of this greatly prized letter, and through them, too, the burdensome mortgage on our house has been greatly reduced.

Very truly yours,

^[[(Mrs) Anna. E. Detcheverry]]
Whitefield, N.H.
( R.F.D. No.2)