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Edith L. Swain
Box 45
Lakeport, New Hampshire

Lakeport, N.H.
Aug. 14, 1924

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sirs:

I am submitting the inclosed letter for competition in your Prize Contest.  I feel sure it will reach you tomorrow with the special delivery stamp I am having placed on the envelope.

Really it was cruel to limit letters to two hundred words. There is much one wishes to say about special varieties and a dozen other things. I wanted to tell about how the Sensation asters sell every bouquet they are in, the wonder of people over the cup and saucer  Canterbury Seeds, the exclamations about the Hawlmark snapdragons, etc, etc, etc.  I suppose of course you mean 200 words in the body of the letter, and therefore have submitted 199.

Sincerely Yours, 
Edith L Swain