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[[stamped]] MAR 24 1924 [[/stamped]]

In the fall of '22 we moved on this farm and as it needed improvements , and fall plowing we started in,

We plowed 3/4 acre that had never been plowed before to the knowledge of the oldest neighbors, some who had lived here 80 yrs, and they laughed at us when we said, "We were going to plant it to potatoes."

'Why we never would raise anything on that land,'but dauntless we kept on, and in the spring, bought 4 sacks of Burpee's Green Mt. seed potatoes and 1400 lbs Bradleys Potato Manure, replowed our land, planted them; Then what a buzz! 'What foolish folks, sending away for seed, why they could buy as good seed as that for half the price.' But listen to the Sequel: 238 bushel on 3/4 acre, large smooth perfect potatoes, and already those that laughed are after [[underline]] our [[/underline]] seed potatoes. "Those who laugh last laugh best" Thanks to Burpees Seed.
