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^[[circled]] 457 [[/circled]]
[[stamped]] MAR 2 1924 [[/stamped]]

[[underlined]] For Prize Contest [[/underlined]]

[[underlined]] What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me [[/underlined]]
Messrs. W. Atlee Burpee Co.

Dear Sirs:

Your seeds have given me Pleasure and Profit, Work and Play, Knowledge and Health as I do my Daily Dozen with hoe and rake and spade. They supply my table with choicest delicacies and my home with fragrant flowers.

What a world of beauty and yet of mystery the garden is! Marvel at the splendor of the Butterfly as it flits from Pink to Pansy and through its antennae radios its distant mate! Observe the hustling, tireless Bee, purloining sweetness from the lavish Stocks! He, too , reports by radio to his distant hive! How swiftly grows the gorgeous Morning Glory! It [[underline]] Sees [[/underline]] the thing it [[underline]] Means [[/underline]] to grasp; will [[underline]] feel [[/underline]] it in its tightening clutch and therefore surely [[underline]] thinks [[/underline]] Hark to the mellow music of the Thrush the dome of whose Cathedral is the sky, where sister angels dwell! Sweet Chantress, blest wich, Heavenly song, welcome to fruits and flowers.

Come Darkness, Storm, Disease and Flood! Death and Destruction reign! The strong alone survive; the weaker ones succumb! Might [[underline]] We [[/underline]] not through selection better meet the test as do the Plants from [[underline]] Burpee's Seeds [[/underline]]? And may we make [[underline]] ourselves [[/underline]] select?

Nature through the Garden answers we may do it [[underline]] there [[/underline]] !

Yours very truly
Samuel Frost
Bayport N.Y.
May 31 st. 1924.

(200 words)