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[[underline]] For Prize Contest [[/underline]]

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me.

I have been raised on Burpee's products. The catalogue was used as a picture and story book- in fact, it was my first text-book in elementary Botany Mother often describes the beautiful garden that would be ours if we planted Burpee's seeds and we children would keep out the weeds. Mother made a regular fairy stories from the pictures and we were very  excited when each plant peeped through the soil. In time the novelty wore off and I disliked getting my hands dirty, my fingernails ruined, and tiring my back.

Now, I am a college girl, and having overcome some of the foolish vanities of high school days the garden seems a delightful place to spend many of my vacation hours.  I do not worry about the sun ruining my complexion, nor the dirt my hands I know that I will enjoy my Botany next year