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[[stamped]] JUL 17 1924 [[/stamped]]


You ask me what Burpee's seeds have done for me?  They have done all that my garden has done. They have made me work hard, yes; but with this came the exhileration that comes with breathing fresh, sweet air; they have given me better health; an increased appetite; a deeper, fuller appreciation of life; a broader comprehension; a greater love of nature; and an added delight in the beautiful. What a wonderful lesson in gratitude the seed gives.

When the quiet shadows descend, the perfumed air brings memories -- memories of glorious summer evenings, of lovely music, and of marvelous happiness; the dim parade of the tall, stately hollyhocks brings a vision of rows and rows of marching soldiers; and the scent of the poppies brings an aching memory of Flanders' Fields.  Yet, with the setting of the sun and the bringing out of the soft lovely colorings, and  the glorious, gorgeous tones, there comes to me peace and resignation -- even contentment.

These are the things that Burpee's seeds have done for me.

Gertrude A. Smith
211 East Center St.
Rochester, Minnesota