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[[stamped]] AUG -6 1924 [[/stamped]]

For Prize Contest.

Anderson Ind,. Aug. 3, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co,.
Philadelphia Pa,.

Dear Sirs :-

There is real joy and pleasure in a garden that does well.  There is that feeling of delight, and that satisfaction, When you have received the true type of your choice variety.

From the day that you plant the first seed in the hotbed, until the frost has killed the last leaf, your anticipations of recreation and pleasure are satisfied, if your desires,when you purchased the seed are not shattered.  It is on this very purchase of seed that your hopes for pleasure and profit are resting.

Get the bestof seeds and the returns will more than pay for the difference in cost.  The difference in seed cost is nothing.  The difference in crop results is astonishing, and the difference in the real joy is unmeasurable, 

To plant and care for crops from the best seed involves no more work than to plant and care for those of " just good seed "  Then there is that keen satisfaction in watching the growth and the results.  Herein is where Burpee's seeds have helped me to obtain the Quick, sturdy and steady growth of my flowers.  And herein lies the reason for buying those pure high grade seeds which Fordhook and Sunnyside Farms produce for the W. Atlee Burpee Co,. and thus the genuine type of the variety, which you have selected for your pleasure and profit.

Yours truly
Mrs.Will C. Kaufman.
1014 Nichol Ave.