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[[newspaper article]]

It is often said farms do not pay.  Mr. Daneker, the gentleman that purchased Mr. Harvey's farm, seems to be one of the kind that will make it pay.  Working every day for his brother in the wool business, Mr. Daneker and his brother-in-law, Mr. Milligan, find that their spare time in the evening can be put to great advantage by raising chickens and doing a little farming, and to prove these statements Mr. Daneker took first, second and third prizes in Rhode Island Red cockerels, second prize in Rhode Island Red pen and second prize in Barred Rock pen at the poultry show.  For their labor on the farm they received first prize on tomatoes, first prize on both wax and green beans, first prize on field corn, first prize on squash and second prize on popcorn.

Speaking of the beans, Mr. Daneker sold enough beans to shingle the barn and still have plenty to put up for the winter.  We have never seen a nicer pen of chickens that those of Mr. Daneker's, as they are not only prize birds, but are laying eggs which means money.  Here's to his success and may more follow in line.