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[[bold]]June 9.
91 [[/bold]]
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Friday morning, all the avenues leading to the court room were guarded, seemingly, with redoubled vigilance, and every person who offered himself to enter was scrutinized very closely.  None but those belonging to the Marshal's guard, reporters, a few members of the bar, friends of Col. Suttle, and a few other privileged characters, were admitted to enter.  All others were denied admittance.

About half-past seven o'clock, a detachment of the 4th regiment U. S. Artillery, having previously been to the navy yard and received a field piece, marched up State Street.  The cannon was drawn by a pair of horses, and planted in Court square, a little south of the easterly entrance of the court house, and pointing towards Court street.  Soon after, the artillery were relieved by a detachment of U. S. Marines, who stood guard over the formidable pieces of ordnance.  The cannon was kept in that position until the time of taking away the fugitive, with the exception of a short interval, during which a detachment of artillery went through the motions of loading and firing, (without discharging,) for the evident purpose of giving information to the public as to the speed and precision with which it could be fired, if necessary.  The piece was then loaded with powder and ball, and the artillery men, with matches lighted, stood ready to sweep the street, if necessary.

In consequence of representations from the U. S. Marshal, Mayor Smith had made a requisition upon Major Gen. Edmands for all the Boston troops in his Division.  Accordingly, the several companies of M. V. M. in the city began to assemble at their respective armories at seven o'clock in the morning, and soon after, the streets resounded with the strains of martial music.  The troops marched to the parade ground on the Common, where they formed into column, with the Lancers and Light Dragoons on the right - the whole under command of Major Gen. Edmands.

1st Battalion Light Dragoons, Maj. T.J. Pierce - Co. A, National Lancers, Captain Wilmarth - 78 rank and file.

Co. B, Boston Light Dragoons, Wright - 75 rank and file.

5th Reg't Artillery, Col. Robert Cowdin - Co. A, Boston Artillery, Capt. Evans - 37 guns.

Co. B, Columbian Artillery, Cass - 73 guns.

Co. C, Washington Artillery, Whorff - 40 guns.

Co. D, Roxbury Artillery, Burrill - 31 guns.

Co. E, American Artillery, Granger - 30 guns.

Co. F, Webster Artillery, McKenny - 35 guns.

Co. G, Bay State Artillery, McCafferty - 37 guns.

Co. H, Shield's Artillery, Young - 46 guns.

5th Reg't Light Infantry, Col. Charles L. Holbrook - Co. A, Boston Light Infantry, Captain Rogers - 45 guns.

Co. B, New England Guards, Henshaw - 38 guns.

Co. C, Pulaski Guards, Wright - 42 guns.

Co. D, Boston Light Guard, Follett - 40 guns.

Co. E, Boston City Guards, French - 36 guns.

Co. F. Independent Boston Fusileers,Cooley - 36 guns.

Co. G, Washington Light Infantry, Upton - 43 guns.

Co. H, Mechanic Infantry, Adams.

3d Battalion Light Infantry, Major Robert I Burbank - Co. A, National Guard, Lieut. Harlow, commanding - 33 guns.

Co. B. Union Guards, Capt. Brown - 40 guns.

Co. C, Sarsfield Guards Hogan - 39 guns.

Cadets - Divisionary Corps of Independent Cadets, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas C. Amory, commanding - 80 guns.

At 9 o'clock, the hour of opening the Commissioner's court, all the avenues leading to that building were filed with a great multitude of human beings.  No great outside excitement was manifested, but a deep feeling of shame and sorrow seemed to pervade all.  

Early in the morning, Mayor Smith issued the following


To the Citizens of Boston.  To secure order throughout the city, this day, Major General Edmands, and the chief of police, will make such disposition of the respective forces under their commands, as will best promote that important object; and they are clothed with full discretionary powers to sustain the laws of the land.

All well disposed citizens, and other persons, are urgently requested to leave those streets which it may be found necessary to clear temporarily, and under no circumstances to obstruct or molest any officer, civil or military, in the lawful discharge of his duty.

J. V. C. SMITH, Mayor.
[[right bracket]] Mayor's Office, City Hall, Boston,
June 2, 1854 [[/right bracket]]

This Proclamation was read on the steps of the Court House, by a man in a white hat, and was received by the crowd with cheers, groans and hisses.

The Commissioner came in at 9 o'clock precisely, looking haggard and care-worn, and evidently pressed down by a deep sense of the heavy-responsibility weighing upon him. [For his infamous decision, see our fourth page.]

The outward appearance of the prisoner had undergone a marked change.  He looked like a victim decked and adorned foe some great sacrificial occasion either of triumph or defeat.  The officers in charge had, since the adjournment of the court on Wednesday, contributed among themselves and entire suit from top to toe; new hat of the latest fashion, new cut coat, vest, pants and gaiter boots, at a cost of forty dollars.

During the delivery of the decision, the prisoner fixed his gaze upon the Commissioner, and as the conversation between himself and master, sworn to by witnesses, was detailed, he listened with the most intense earnestness.  When it was stated that he said he was 'willing to go back' to Virginia, the prisoner shook his head very emphatically, as if to indicate that the statement was a false one.  This act was noticed by many persons, and created considerable surprise, as well as sympathy for the unfortunate man.

As soon as the announcement of the decision of the Commissioner was made known to the crowd on the outside of the court house. the police cleared the square of all persons, other than those who had special business within its limits.

A force of police was stationed at every avenue leading to the square, with orders to admit none, excepting those whose business required them inside.

At eleven o'clock, Mr. Dana, attended by Rev. Mr. Grimes, called upon Mr. Freeman, and asked that they (Dana and Grimes) be permitted to walk, side by side, with the prisoner, or the Marshal, from the Court House to the transport ship.  This the Marshal refused.

As soon as the news spread that 'Burns must go back,' the front of Hon. John C. Park's office, in Court Square, was draped in black ; and his example was not only followed by the other lawyers in that vicinity, but the merchants, and others, on the line of march to the Revenue Cutter.  In one building, the ladies took their shawls and mantles, and hung them from the windows at which they were spectators, in testimony of their abhorrence of the deed.  The Commonwealth office was speedily draped in black, and six United States flags, draped in black, were suspended from the upper story.

Presently a large coffin was borne upon the shoulders of men, to the corner of State and Washington streets, and there held aloft by strong arms, for a considerable time.  An attempt was made to seize it, but it was bravely defended.  It was afterwards labelled with the word LIBERTY, and suspended with strong lines drawn across from the corner of Court and Washington streets, to the Commonwealth building, and there remained until the whole procession had passed under it.    Streamers of black were also spread across the street, at the corner of Court and Washington streets.  From the store of the venerable Samuel May, corner of State and Broad streets, was extended across the street, drapery of black, from which hung two American ensigns, union down!  The melancholy cortege had to pass beneath this token of distress.

At 11 1-2 o'clock, a grand official movement was made to clear the entire crowd from the streets and sidewalks leading from the Court house to the wharf.  First, twenty-one military companies marched down Court and State streets in solid column, after which the police made the most strenuous efforts to clear the sidewalks.  Over an hour was spent in this endeavor, which was not finally effected until the military formed lines on both [[/first column]]

[[second column]] sides of the street to keep back the pressure of the multitude.

In every portion of the city, wherever the military appeared, they were greeted with hisses, groans, and shouts of derision.  The terms 'Cowards,' 'Kidnappers,' and 'Man-Stealers,' were shouted at them from thousands of voices, and many of them hung their heads in shame.  One universal sentiment of indignation, shame, and humiliation seemed to pervade the entire community.  Denunciations of Pierce, Cushing, Hallett, and other prominent kidnappers, were upon all lips, and curses loud and deep.  It was everywhere apparent that an entire revolution in public sentiment had taken place since the rendition of Thomas Simms; and the most conservative men in the city at that time, appeared yesterday to be foremost in denunciation of the inhuman fugitive slave law, and all the proceedings under it.

Every precaution was taken by the military and police, to render abortive all attempts at a rescue, and the people were driven back through all the cross streets leading to State street, as far as Milk street, on the south, and Cornhill and Market street, on the north - strong detachments of troops and constables being posted at all the crossings.

At 2 1-2 o'clock, the procession started from the court house in the following order:

A detachment of the Boston Lancers in front, followed by

A company of United States Infantry, from Newport; and

A company of United States Mari nes.

Of the volunteer guard of the slave in the procession, the Atlas thus speaks: 'A body of some 125 individuals, (we cannot call them men,) who had offered themselves to the Marshal for duty were drawn up in the form of a hollow square, in the centre of which was the poor fugitive, the United States Marshal and his officers.  They were armed with pistols and drawn cutlasses.  This body-guard was composed of the dregs of society; nearly all were blacklegs and thieves, most of whom have been or ought to be inmates of our prisons.  The sight was a disgrace to a city which claims the title of the Athens of America, and the sooner the aid of such men is refused by government officers, the earlier law will be considered as law, and not as an exhibition o brute force.'

Then followed the field-piece, drawn by a span of horses, and manned by six of the members of the 4th Regiment U. S. Artillery, under Lieut. Couch, and second corps of U. S. Marines brought up the rear under Lieut. Queen.

The procession went down State street to Long wharf at a quick step, all the way receiving the groans and isses of an indignant people, not the least emphatic of which proceeded from the steps of the Merchants' Exchange, where, it being high change, a great number of our first men congregated.

Such a crowd as pressed on the sidewalks of State street we never before saw in Boston.  At Commercial street, the procession turned off, and proceeded down that street, on the back side of Long wharf, to T. wharf.  The suddenness of the turn, which could not have been anticipated, caused a great crowd at the corner.  They attempted no violence, but those in front were pushed on by those behind, and, says the Transcript undue harsh measures were used by the military on the occasion.  We are not aware that any one was hurt, but several persons were pushed down an open cellar way, and were in imminent danger of their lives, in more ways than one.

As the column was passing what is known as the Commonwealth building, at the corner of State street, the procession was saluted with a shower of Cayenne pepper  A bottle containing liquid, supposed to be sulphuric acid, was thrown from the building, but it struck the pavement, was dashed to pieces, and its contents harmed no one.

Near the corner of Chatham and Commercial streets, a teamster attempted to pass the line formed by Company A, Boston Artillery.  He was ordered back, but refused to go, and swore at the military.  One of the company thrust a bayonet into his horse, whereupon the crowd pressed in to see what was the matter.  Probably supposing they intended an attack, Capt. Evans gave the order to his company to fire!  The muskets were brought to the shoulders, when Lieutenant Colonel Boyd, who accidentally was near enough to hear the order, countermanded it, and thereby prevented the fatal result which must have followed.  The horse, we understand, died from the wound.

A horse belonging to a member of the corps of Lancers, who was on duty in Commercial street, was fatally stabbed in the side by some unknown person.

One man, named John M. Clark, from Vermont, being somewhat excited, received a sabre wound  on the head.  He was taken by the police to station No. 1, where medical aid was procured for him.

A gentleman connected with the evening press of this city had been to the custom house on business, and was returning to his office, when he was stopped by one of the soldiers on duty.  He told his business, but was refused a passage; he again attempted to move along, when the soldier thrust his bayonet at him; it went through his shirt collar and grazed his neck, causing a slight flow of blood.  At this time, a policeman came up, and politely passed the gentleman through the lines.

A young man (says the Herald) by the name of Ela, who is in the employment of Dr. Marsh, Roxbury, came into the city Friday afternoon to procure a bottle of medicine.  On his return homewards, when in Commercial street, some of the soldiers saw the bottle in his hand, and suspected it was vitriol, whereupon a soldier and one or two others laid hold upon the youth, broke his bottle, inflicted a wound upon his body with a bayonet, cut him in the head, and otherwise severely injured him.  Mr. Ela is a most inoffensive young man, and gave no occasion for this ruffianly attack upon him.

It is bad enough to be placed under martial law, without numbering the defenders of the peace among the peace-breakers.

Several arrests were made during the day for disturbing the peace; among the persons committed to the station house was William Jones (colored,) one of the witnesses for the defence, and W. H. Bass; the latter was armed with pistols.  Jones was arrested in State street for disturbing the peace by his zealous harangue relative to the wickedness of the proceedings.  As he passed along in custody, he was repeatedly cheered.

The avenues leading to the various banks being closed up by the military, many of the brokers were unable to settle their stock contracts, and quite a number of merchants, who could not get to the banks to pay their notes, were obliged to pay the expense of a protest.

Large numbers of persons were on the steps and roofs of the Custom House.  The windows and doorways in the vicinity of Long wharf were thronged.  At one o'clock, a military company marched to T wharf, stopping all passage to that wharf, and the report was circulated that it was from here the fugitive was to be taken.

At the time, the steamer John Taylor was lying in the stream, with her steam up, ready to go when she might be wanted.  The riggings of vessels in the vicinity were thronged with spectators.  Long wharf was kept clear of heavy teams, from about half-past 12 o'clock.  At about that hour, the 'Black Maria,' with paupers for Deer Island, passed down, and created some sensation.  A colored woman, who supposed that it contained the fugitive, fell upon her knees, and was pulled out by the crowd, just in season to prevent being run over.

Most of the occupants of stores on Long wharf closed their doors at about 1 o'clock, many of them wishing to show their detestation of the deed about to be consummated.

The marines on Long wharf were assaulted with missiles, but the order of 'aim' was effectual in scattering the assemblage.  The artillery were soon after assailed from a new building, with bricks and mortar.  A detachment charged upon the building, and cleared it of its inmates at the point of the bayonet.  [[/second column]]

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As the fugitive and his guards passed upon the steamer, several hundred persons who had assembled at the lower end of Long Wharf, gave forth groans and hisses.  Cheers were given for Dana and Ellis, and groans for Loring and Hallett.  Twice or three times, persons called for cheers for President Pierce, but the response was feeble.

Some delay in starting the boat, after receiving on board the object of all this commotion, was occasioned by getting on board the field-piece from the Navy Yard, and on hand in Court Square Friday morning.  Col. Dulany would not leave it, subject, as it might be, to insults from the crowd.  He therefore ordered it to be dismounted, and carried on board; which order was executed under Capt. Couch, of the artillery, assisted by a file of marines under Capt. Rich.  During this operation, the officers and soldiers had to stand a fire more irritating than that of bullets, the jeers and groans of an excited multitude.  They had with the cannon sixty charges of cannister shot.

Burns was lodged on board the steamer John Taylor at T wharf, and taken directly into the cabin out of sight of the immense multitude gathered on the wharves and shipping.  A large number of sailors vented their indignation at the proceedings by most vigorous and long-continued groans and hisses.

At 20 minutes past 3 o'clock, the steamer left the wharf, and proceeded down the harbor to the Revenue Cuter Morris, which had been previously towed down to the castle.

The slave was attended by Deputy U. S. Marshal, John H. Riley, together with officers George J. Coolidge, Asa O. Butman, Charles Godfrey and William Black, who were detailed to accompany Burns on his passage to Virginia.

The reporter of the Herald, who was on board the Cutter, gives the following particulars:-

Going down the harbor, we had an interview with Burns, and he appeared much depressed in mind.  He said that he should never see Boston again, and it made him feel bad to part with so many friends.  Some person, to encourage him perhaps, remarked to him that his friends would buy him.  Burns shook his head, and said that he did not think they would.  He seemed considerably elated when the excitement in the city was alluded to, and said, 'There was lots of folks to see a colored man walk through the streets.'

The people on board of the Cutter paid Burns every attention.  One man brushed his clothes, which were somewhat dusty, and Burns facetiously remarked that he hadn't got a sixpence to pay for the trouble.

The fugitive's master, Col. Suttle, and Mr. Brent were on board of the Cutter, and have gone with Burns to Alexandria.  Col. Suttle appeared very much pleased at the result of the trial, and Brent manifested an excess of joy.

The steamer towed the Cutter down the harbor as far as Minot's Light, when, at about 6 o'clock, the tow-line was thrown off, and the vessels parted company.  The people on board of the steamer gave the Cutter several rounds of cheers as she filled away, which were responded to by the booming of a single gun from the Cutter.  The steamer, on her return, landed the U. S. Marines at the Charlestown Navy Yard, and at abut 9 o'clock, was quietly moored at the end of Union wharf.  

Thus concludes the exciting events connected with the arrest and departure of the fugitive, Burns; but the effect produced upon the mind of the community remains to be seen and told.

The cutter Morris passed the outer station at half-past 4 o'clock, and at sunset was ten miles east of the outer station, with a light southerly breeze.

In the evening, Gen. Edmands and other officers of the Brigade, partook of a collation at the Albion.  His Honor the Mayor was present, and gave a sentiment complimentary to the military, for the fidelity and promptness with which they had discharged their difficult and arduous duties.

There were immense numbers of people in the city, from out of town.  The estimate at least 50,000 persons.  The city had the crowded appearance of a holiday.

We hope says the Bee, to have no more such weeks.  Neither Boston, its people or humanity, could bear up under it.

The conduct of a portion of the military, says the Chronicle, is open to severe censure  it was indecorous, unsoldierlike, unmanly, and in some cases even brutal.  Some of the companies, we are happy to state, conducted in the most praiseworthy manner, but the conduct of others will tend, and in no small degree, to bring odium on the volunteer militia, and unless they look well to their acts hereafter, they will fall in the public estimation as rapidly as they have risen within a few years past.  When a respectable citizen respectfully asks a commander of a corps by what authority he orders the citizens out of the streets, and is answered - 'None of your business, G-d d-n you;' when a company amuse themselves while on duty by singing 'Carry me back to old Virginny,' thus manifesting the utmost indifference to the feelings of many citizens; when a company participates in Bachanalian pleasures in State street; when an officer evinces such deplorable ignorance of his duty as to order a shop-keeper to close his store, because he sees fit to drape it in mourning; when such scenes are perpetrated in Boston, we shall not remain silent, or cease to express our unqualified censure of such disreputable conduct.

The Commonwealth says:

'The orders given to the police were to clear the streets.  The military were then to be stationed at the entrances, and if the lines were broken, they had orders to fire without giving notice, and in case of a disturbance, the officers were instructed to save themselves, for the soldiers would fire indiscriminately.'

Such a sanguinary order as this, should consign Mayor Smith to everlasting infamy.

Just as the steamer John Taylor left the wharf, a man cried out, 'Well, I'm glad the nigger's gone.'  Scarcely were the words out of his mouth, when a sailor stepped up, and, with the exclamation, 'You lubber,' knocked him down.  The fallen man got up and showed fight, when he was knocked down a second time.  He attempted to run off, when some one shoved a board between his legs, which again tripped him up.  At last he reached the military, and claimed their protection.

The Herald has a card from Capt. Cass, of the Columbian Artillery, (Irish,) in which he denies the story that his company volunteered.  He says they were ordered out.

R. H. Dana, the senior counsel for the defence, passed out of the square about 11 o'clock, on Friday, and as soon as the crowd saw him, he was greeted with twelve hearty cheers.

THE PURCHASE OF BURNS.  At a meeting of the officers of the first battalion of Light Dragoons, at the Fourth Ward House, on Saturday afternoon, Major Pierce presiding, a committee was chosen to confer with the other officers of the first division, for the purpose of raising funds for the purchase of Burns.  The following resolve was also passed:-

'That while we regret the unpleasant duty which has devolved on us to-day, yet we hold ourselves in readiness, as citizen soldiers, at all times, and at all hazards, when called upon, to support the supremacy of the Constitution and laws of the United States and of this Commonwealth.'

This is 'to pplate sin with gold.'  Queer consciences do these kidnapping accomplices possess.  Their money perish with them!

Burns is alleged to have escaped from Richmond, Virginia, in March last, and has been in Massachusetts about sixty days.  He is said to be a natural son of a distinguished Virginian, and his mother is now living on a plantation in Stafford County, Va.  He is quite intelligent, and being a healthy young man, commanded a high price for his labor, and constant employment.  He is about twenty-eight years old, and can do all kinds of field labor, as well as store and city work.  He is a fine specimen of the mixed Anglo-Saxon and African races, six feet in height, and very dark.  He has a scar on his left cheek, and a severe cut on his right hand, evidence of hard usage.  

Burns was dressed in an entire suit of black, the gift of some friends, and presented a very respectable appearance.  Previous to his removal, he remonstrated with the officer against having his hands confined.  He said if they were going to send him back like a felon, they should put on his old clothes again, and not let [[/third column]]  
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handcuffs disgrace his appearance.  His remonstrance was regarded, and he was allowed to go as he desired, much to his gratification.

Rev. Mr. Dexter, of Boston, in a sermon 'upon the times,' on Sunday, stated that Burns, the fugitive was a REGULAR ORDAINED AND PRACTICING MINISTER OF THE BAPTIST PERSUASION.

Rev. Mr. Grimes, minister of the Baptist church, (colored,) the counsel of Burns, R. H. Dana and Mr. Ellis, Wendell Phillips, Theodore Parker, and some others, had an interview with Burns, a short time previous to his departure.  The scene was one touching in the extreme.  The reverend gentleman exhorted him to be of good cheer, for that freedom of manhood which was now denied him, would ere long be regained.

Messrs. Dana and Ellis tendered him their sympathy in his misfortune, and were sad beyond expression that their efforts, given with earnestness and hope, had not been attended with success.

Burns, grateful beyond terms o convey his emotions, thanked them repeatedly and affectionately through the thick falling tears.

The party then left.  It was an interview long to be remembered.

Several negotiations to purchase Burns were preferred on Friday,after the decision of the Commissioner, but they were not listened to.  It is said that Col. Suttle, on leaving the city in the morning, left the most peremptory orders 'to trade' at no price, even if $100,000 were offered.
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It appeared in evidence that Marshal Freeman had about forty men employed inside the Court House at the time of the attack, but that they did not arm themselves with pistols or cutlasses till after Batchelder was wounded.

We gladly hear that Albert G. Browne, Esq., of Salem, refused to accept the permission to visit his son in prison, when he learned that the humble friends of some of the colored prisoners were refused admittance.

We learn from Mr. Brown, that when his answer was reported to Sheriff Eveleth, that gentleman immediately gave orders to admit all the friends of the colored prisoners, who had until then been excluded.
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THE SLAVE TRIAL.  Fetridge & Co. have published the whole account of the Boston Slave Riot, with a verbatim report of the trial, a verbatim report of Judge Loring's decision, corrected by himself, the arguments of the counsel on either side, as written and corrected by themselves.  The work has been stereotyped at the Boston Stereotype Foundry, in a beautiful manner, is copy-righted and contains about one hundred pages.  Price 25 cents.
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THE POPULAR FEELING.  Upon the receipt of the intelligence that Burns was delivered up by Commissioner Loring to be sent back into slavery, the bells of the churches were tolled in Pepperell.

At Worcester, a large meeting was held on the Common, immediately after the receipt of Commissioner Loring's decision; the bells were tolled, and the stores of most of the prominent merchants were draped in mourning.  The flag of the United States, reversed, furled, draped with black, and raised half-mast high, was hoisted on the liberty pole on the Common.  There were no manifestations of partyism in the universal gloom that overspread the city.  Merchants and mechanics, who have never united with each other in any political demonstration, united in the display of their indignation at the insult which has been offered to Massachusetts.

In North Danvers, Manchester and Haverhill, Mass., the bells were told [[sic]].

In Acton, the monument erected in that town to the memory of Capt. Davis, who fell at Concord Bridge on the 19th of April, 1775, was dressed in deep mourning, on account of the rendition of Burns, and the American flag was reversed at half-mast, and also in mourning.  The church bells tolled a requiem for dead liberty.  'We never (says a correspondent of the Commonwealth) saw so solemn a day, yet so full of hope and firm determination.'


The news of the surrender of Burns has just reached here, creating a profound sensation.  The bells are tolling here and in the adjacent towns.

The bells in Fall River and places in that vicinity were tolled on Friday.

We heard of some buildings in Salem being dressed in mourning.

The City Council of Providence have voted not to make the usual celebration on the 4th of July, but to toll the bells one hour at sunrise, noon, and sundown, on account of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and the recent event in Boston.

The city authorities of Worcester have also decided not to celebrate the Fourth of July.

When the intelligence was received in Natick that Loring had surrendered Burns to the slave-catchers, the bells of the churches in Natick were tolled for half an hour.  On Monday night, a public meeting was held, which was fully attended, and spirited addresses were made by several gentlemen.  Resolutions were adopted strongly condemnatory of the Fugitive Slave Bill, and in favor of petitioning for its repeal

[[manicule]]Loring, the Kidnapper's Commissioner, was hung in effigy, in North Bridgewater, on Saturday night.  The inscription upon the image (which remained during the Sabbath) was - 'Commissioner Loring: The memory of the wicked shall rot.'

[[manicule]] Four effigies were discovered suspended upon the common, in Worcester, on Sunday.  They were severally labelled, 'Pontius Pilate Loring, the unjust Judge;' 'Ben Hallett the kidnapper;' 'Caleb Cushing, the bloodhound;' and 'Frank Pierce, Satan's journeyman.'  The were committed to the lock-up.  The were attached with halters about six feet long, to the halyards of the Liberty Pole, one of the ends of which was fastened to the pole, about thirty feet from the ground, and the other to the top of a large elm.  A good deal of pains must have been taken in their preparation as all the figures were well stuffed, with mask faces, hats decorated with the emblems of mourning. boots, &c.  The Spy describes them thus:-

'Mr. Cushing's eye appeared to be as badly damaged as was his leg in the ditch at Matamoras.  The mask had fallen from Loring's face, and displayed him as the hollow-hearted sycophant that he is.  'Forma Viris et pretarea nihil.'  The form of a man, and nothing else.  Hallett's spectacles had dropped from his nose, but his countenance wore the usual fiendish expression, which characterizes the man.  Frank Pierce appeared to have taken a drop too much, and we should judge that the circumstances under which he then was would compel him to forgo his usual practice of attending church twice on the Sabbath.'

[[manicule]] A correspondent at Haverhill writes to the Commonwealth, that 'the President, Douglas, Cushing, and Judge Loring, were hung in effigy here last night, and burnt this morning about 7 o'clock.'

EFFIGIES ON BOSTON COMMON. - At about one o'clock Saturday morning, three effigies were found on Boston Common, suspended to the Liberty pole, bearing the following inscriptions:-

Marshal Freeman - Chief of the Boston Ruffians and Slaveholders' Bloodhounds.

Benj. F. Hallett, U.S. District Attorney and Attorney General to the Prince of Darkness.

Commissioner Loring - the $10 Jeffries of 1854.

EFFIGIES.  The popular amusement of hanging Commissioner Loring in effigy is indulged in pretty extensively.  In South Reading, last Saturday morning, an effigy of the Commissioner was found hanging upon the Common, with the name of the opprobrious personage marked upon the collar.

The effigy of Commissioner Loring was discovered on Tuesday morning suspended from an elm tree in the main street of Watertown, bearing the following inscription:-'Edward G. Loring, $10 Agent of Suttle, Brant & Co.'

In Weymouth, on the night of Tuesday, an effigy of Commissioner Loring was suspended upon a sign-post.  Underneath was written, 'Commissioner E.G. Loring, a Northern bloodhound, bought for $10.'

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REWARDS.  The Mayor and Aldermen have offered $200 reward for the apprehension of the murderer of Mr. James Batchelder, and the same amount for inforation which will lead to the arrest of the parties who assaulted Richard H. Dana, Jr., Esq., some days since.

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[[manicule]]  The Times is endeavoring to excite animosity against the Commonwealth, by its statements regarding the throwing of vitriol and red pepper from the 'Commonwealth building.'  We deem it proper to state, as a matter of fact, that these articles were not thrown from this office, or by any person connected with the office, and that some quantities were thrown from other buildings in the neighborhood.  We regarded it as an ignoble kind of warfare, though we have not heard of any great pity or indignation expressed except by those who, like the writers in the Times, are paid for it.-Commonwealth.

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THE FUGITIVE SLAVE CASE.  The following despatches, connected with the recent fugitive slave case, are published in the Washington Union of Saturday:

BOSTON, May 27, 1854.
In consequence of an attack upon the Court House last night, for the purpose of rescuing a fugitive slave under arrest, and in which one of my own guards was killed, I have availed myself of the resources of the United States, placed under my control by letter from the War and Navy Departments in 1851, and now have two companies of troops from Fort Independence stationed in the Court House.  Every thing is now quiet.  The attack was repulsed by my own guard.
U.S. Marshal, Boston, Mass.

WASHINGTON, May 27, 1854.
TO WATSON FREEMEN, U.S. Marshal, Boston, Mass.
Your conduct is approved.  The law must be executed.

On Tuesday last, the following despatch was sent to Boston by direction of the President:
WASHINGTON, May 30, 1854.
TO Hon. B.F. HALLETT, Boston, Mass.
What is the state of the case of Burns?

BOSTON, May 30, 1854.
The case is progressing, and not likely to close till Thursday.  Then, armed resistance is indicated.  But two city companies on duty.  The Marshal has all the armed posse he can muster.  More will be needed to execute the extradition, if ordered.  Can the necessary expenses of the city military be paid, if called out by the Mayor at the Marshal's request?  This alone will prevent a case arising under the 2d section of the Act of 1795, when it will be too late to act.

WASHINGTON, May 31, 1854.
TO B.F. HALLETT, U.S. Attorney, Boston, Mass.
Incur any expense deemed necessary by the Marshal and yourself for city military, or otherwise, to insure the execution of the law.

On the same day, the President ordered Colonel Cooper, Adjutant General of the Army, to repair to Boston, empowered to order to the assistance of the U.S. Marshal, as part of the posse comitatus, in case the Marshal deemed it necessary, the two companies of the U.S. troops stationed at New York, and which had been under arms for the forty-eight preceding hours, ready to proceed at any moment.

BOSTON, May 31, 1854.
Despatch received.  The Mayor will preserve the peace with all the military and police of the city.  The force will be sufficient.  Decision will be made day after to-morrow of the case.  Court adjourned.

Yesterday morning, the following despatch was received:

BOSTON, June 2, 1854.
The Commissioner has granted the certificate.  Fugitive will be removed to-day.  Ample military and police force to effect it peacefully.  All quiet.  Law reigns.  Col. Cooper's arrival opportune.

The Union, after commending the President, as in duty bound, thus praises the United States officials in this city:

'We cannot permit the occasion to pass without thanking the United States officer at Boston for their firm, moderate and intrepid conduct.  We expected as much from a democrat so well tried in contests for State-rights as that eloquent and profound jurist, Benjamin F. Hallett; and we only re-echo a general public sentiment when we repeat, that we have already endorsed our high admiration of the fidelity and courage of Marshal Freeman, who, like Mr. Hallett, was appointed to office by President Pierce.'
[[double line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column; top line is bold]]  

CLERGYMEN'S CONVENTION.  The Meionaon Hall, in Boston, was well filled, on Thursday of last week, with clergymen of all denominations, but mostly of the Orthodox Congregational order to consider the duty of the pulpit in the present crisis.  The subject of slavery was discussed with great freedom, and the general expression seemed to be, that the pulpit should act upon it hereafter by concerted and systematized efforts.

A Committee of twelve was appointed, to call a General Convention of Clergymen, at an early date, to devise measures for united and constant opposition to the encroachments of the Slave Power.

Among the speakers were Lyman and Edward Beecher, Dexter and Clark, of Boston, George Allen of Worcester, Trask, of Fitchburg, Walcott, of Providence, Cleveland, of Northampton, and others.  In the course of his remarks, Professor Stowe said-'I pretend to no [[sic]] great things, but I here say that this beard don't leave this chin until the repeal of the fugitive slave law is secured.'  We hope this clerical movement will be followed up by earnest and decisive action.

At a meeting of the Methodist clergymen of Boston and vicinity, on Monday, resolutions were adopted, thanking R.H. Dana, Jr., Esq., and C.M. Ellis, Esq., for their defence of Anthony Burns : also thanking the Hon. Charles Sumner for his protest against the Nebraska bill, and his able and eloquent defence of the clergy of New England.  A committee of five was also appointed to co-operate with the committee of ministers appointed at the conference of clergymen, held at the Tremont Temple last Thursday, to consider the encroachments o the Slave Power.
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CHRISTIAN POLITICS.  Messrs. Crosby, Nichols & Co. have just published the discourse delivered in this city on Sunday last, by Rev. James Freeman Clarke, at Williams Hall.  It is an able, earnest and eloquent production, elicited by the rendition of Anthony Burns, and met with so much approval by those present at the delivery, that a meeting was organized after the services, and a resolution adopted to publish the sermon and all the exercises.  Give it the widest circulation.

Rev. Theodore Parker also preached on the same subject at the same time, in the Music Hall, from the text, Matt. 26:14-16; and 27:3-4-with masterly ability, glorious fidelity, and immense effect.  Three or four thousand persons were present, and multitudes unable o gain admittance.  The discourse was reported in full by Messrs. Slack and Yerrinton, and appeared the next morning unabridged in the Commonwealth.  The demand for it has been very great.  We shall supply all our subscribers with a copy of it, as issued on an extra by that paper, which also contains the final speech made against the Nebraska Bill by the Hon. Charles Sumner, and the speech of the Hon. John P. Hale, made at the recent Free Soil Mass Convention.

[[stylized single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
PETITION FOR THE REPEAL OF THE FUGITIVE SLAVE LAW.   A petition has been left at the Merchant's Exchange, which has received the signatures of a large number of the most prominent merchants of the city.  We recognize among the signatures, (says the Transcript,) names of many leading men who have never before given their influence on the anti-slavery side.  To those familiar with matters of social life here, and acquainted with past movements in regard to the Compromise measures, the subjoined petition indicates that 'there is a North' at last:-

To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives in Congress assembled:

The undersigned, men of Massachusetts, ask for the repeal of the act of Congress of 1850, known as the Fugitive Slave Bill.

The Transcript says that it had intended to copy some of the names on this petition, but that it refrains from a fear of infringing upon the copy-right of the Boston Directory!  Thousands have already signed it.

[[stylized single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
WOMAN'S RIGHTS CONVENTION.  This Convention, held at the Meionaon in this city on Friday last, was very fully attended, notwithstanding the popular excitement during that day in regard to poor Burns.  Its proceedings were highly interesting; but it is impossible for us, in our present number, to find space to record any of them.

[[stylized single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
MORE KIDNAPPERS ABOUT.-We learn that five man hunters arrived in Boston, last Friday or Saturday, and are now stopping at one of our hotels.

It was reported that a slave was seized in this city, Saturday, and carried to the Navy Yard; but this was unfounded.
[[end of fifth column]]
[[start of sixth column]]
Edward Greeley Loring, Commissioner:

'Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the Chief Priests, and said unto them, what will you give me, and I will deliver him unto you?  And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.'  Matt. 26:14, 15.  And thus Christ was sold into the hands of his enemies.  In imitation of the arch apostate, you have sold Christ in the person of Anthony Burns.  That your name will go down to posterity with the stain of blood upon it, is as certain as in the case of the betrayer of the Author of our religion.

It is not to this end that we send you the enclosed thirty pieces of silver, but in order to show, in this marked manner, our abhorrence of your deed.  We wish to show to the world that, in our view, no law can justify crime.

Judas did the whole thing legally; he received his pay from the proper authorities.  He even consulted with them before he came to his decision.  You, sir, have acted in the same manner;-you have had your 'band of men and officers,' from the CHIEF RULERS, your Freeman, your Hallett, and together you have betrayed innocent blood; at your door, also, lies the blood spilt in your city.

It is said that you have been in our beautiful town.  We ask you never to come here again.  We feel that we have been disgraced by your act in the eyes of the world, and that we could not bear your presence.  

Sympathising with the inhabitants of your district, we also ask you to resign your office as Judge of Probate.  We feel that the rights of the widow and orphan cannot be safe in your hands.

Signed by thirty women of Woburn.
Woburn, June 3, 1854.

[[stylized single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]

As the subscriber was standing in a wagan with a number of other persons, to him unknown, near the south east corner of the new block on Commercial street, at the head of the passage in the rear of the stores on Long wharf, at the time the fugitive slave Burns was carried by, he was assaulted by a man who gave him a sword out on the back of his left hand, and who gave his name as Capt. EVANS, Co. A, and reported his business to be to 'kill just such damned rascals as you (meaning the subscriber) are.'  The assault was committed just before he (Evans) ordered his men to be in readiness to fire.  The object of this notice is respectfully to request those persons who were present at the time, and saw the transaction, to leave their names at 22 Union street.
Boston, June 5th, 1854.

[[stylized single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
OVER DONE.  We find the opinion prevails throughout the business community, that the city anthorities [[letter u in authorities may be upside down]] have made a very decided mistake in their action with reference to the proceedings of this day.  They have assumed a fearful responsibility in virtually proclaiming martial law for so many hours, and practically making 'negro-catching municipal business.-Transcript of Friday.

Justice to ourselves demands that we should be absolved from the imputation conveyed in the above paragraph.  We not only did not advise the Mayor to call out the military to escort the poor fugitive to the slave vessel, but earnestly [[a in earnestly upside down]] entreated him to do nothing to implicate the city of Boston in the disgraceful proceedings.  We were desirous that the U.S. authorities should bear the whole responsibility of returning to slavery a freeman of Massachusetts.  The Mayor is the only one of the 'City Authorities,' so far as we know, who ordered the Military of Massachusetts and the Police of Boston to assist in an act which belonged exclusively to the U.S. authorities.
[[five names had a right bracket]] Aldermen of Boston.

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ASSAULT ON RICHARD H. DANA, JR., ESQ. On Friday evening, as the above named gentleman was walking in Court street, in company with Anson Burlingame, Esq., while passing Allen's oyster saloon, at the corner of Court and Stoddard streets, one of a gang of rowdies suddenly struck Mr. Dana a severe blow on the head, which prostrated him to the pavement.  The ruffian instantly fled, and was pursued some distance by Mr. Burlingame, but effected his escape, together with his companions.  Mr. Dana was taken up into Dr. Salter's office, where it was found that one of his eyes was badly hurt, and a tooth was broken.  The blow was probably given with a slung shot, or some other dangerous weapon, and it is fortunate that the injuries inflicted are not more serious.  Mr. Dana was seen in our streets Saturday morning.  Doubtless the cowardly assailant was one of those vicious scoundrels whom Mr. Dana had occasion to allude to in his recent speech in the slave case.  It is hoped the rascal may be ferreted out, and brought to justice.  We learn that no policemen were within call at the time.  The ruffians ran into one of the houses in Stoddard Avenue.  They approached Mr. Dana from behind, and struck the blow without his seeing them.-Transcript.

On Wednesday, a notorious North End rowdy, named Wm. Oxford, alias Wm. Sullivan, alias Geo. W. Hucksford, was arrested and taken before the Police Court, charged with this offence.  The examination was deferred till Tuesday next, and he was committed in default of bail in $500.

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Mr. J. W. Leighton, Constable, wishes it stated that he is not the Joel A. Leighton who helped to arrest the fugitive, and wishes it distinctly stated that he is not concerned in such 'dirty business.'  We understand that 'Joel A. Leighton' is not an 'officer,' but a hanger-on about the Court-House, for whatever jobs of the sort may happen to turn up for him.-Commonwealth.

[[stylized single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
[[manicule]] Previous to the arrest of Burns, there were a large number of fugitives in this city.  Many of them have since left for places of more safety than Boston has proved to be.  Among those who left thus suddenly were two who had purchased furniture, and were about to be married.-Traveller.

[[stylized single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
If a man from Massachusetts, to do dirty work in a slaveholder's family, is what Col. Suttle wants, we advise him (says the Springfield Republican) to give up Burns, and take Hallett.  We'll engage, nobody will get up a riot to rescue him!

[[double line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column; uppermost line is bold]]
AMESBURY, 3d 6th mo., 1854.
Enclosed are $2 for THE LIBERATOR.  At a time like this, I cannot lose sight of the pioneer paper.

I fully agree with thy remarks at the meeting of the N. E. Anti-Slavery Convention, in respect to the first duty of the friends of freedom.  We must do what has never yet been done, convert the North.  We must use this sad and painful occasion for this purpose.  We must forget all past differences, and unite all our strength.  Our work now is not in Virginia or Carolina, nor even at Washington; it is here-in Massachusetts.  Get the people of the State right, and there will be no more of these hateful Commissioner trials; but around every inhabitant will be thrown the protection of just laws.

If I had any love for the Union remaining, the events of the last few weeks have 'crushed it out.'  But I do not forget that the same power which is needed to break from the Union may make the Union the means of abolishing slavery.  At any rate, what we want now, is an abolitionized North.  To this end, Unionists and Disunionists can both contribute.  At least, let us have union among ourselves.  In our hatred of slavery, our sympathy for our afflicted colored brethren, and in our indignation against the oppressor, we are already united-and let us now unite, as far as may be, in action.  For one, my heart goes out to all, who in any way manifest love of liberty, and pity for the oppressed.
Ever thy friend,
Wm. Lloyd Garrison.

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LORING MOODY will speak on the relations of the North to Slavery, in
Raynham [[15 ellipses]]Sunday, June 11.
Middleboro' [[12 ellipses]]Tuesday, "   13.
Malden [[17 ellipses]]Sunday, "   18.
Melrose [[17 ellipses]]Tuesday, "   20.

[[single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
[[manicule]] WILLIAM H. FISH, an Agent of the Worcester Co. South A. S. Society, with give a lecture of Sunday evening next, at 6 o'clock, in the old Methodist church, MILLVILLE, with special reference to the present crisis.

[[single line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column]]
[[manicule]] All letters and communications for the undersigned should be sent to him at Leicester, Mass., until further notice.

[[double line, approximately 23 spaces in length and centered in column; uppermost line bold]] 
MARRIED-In Salem, June 1st, by Rev. O. B. Frothingham, Jacob D. Gilliard and Helen S. Putnam.