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ing, help to spread abroad the sacred love of liberty, some of us may live to see the rising of the colored people of the South triumphant. It is a horrible alternative, freedom or a serville war. It must be the earnest prayer of every man, that the slaveholders and their Northern abettors may become awake unto their duty in time to spare us the horrors of such a scene; but I, for one, cannot help joining with gruff old Dr. Johnson in that toast--'Success to the next Negro Insurrection!' I like the idea of pocket compasses, and even revolvers, if necessary. If I were on a jury, I would never say that shooting a amn who attempts to hinder a slve in his escape was anything more than 'justifiable homicide.' I have, in England, publicly advocated the justice of helping the Poles to their independence; surely, the oppressed slaves in America deserve our sympathy still more than these victims of monarchical villany. 

I am glad to see that Dr. Solger is lecturing among you. He is an old friend of mine, and fully deserves those praises which I see he has received in THE LIBERATOR. i heard him lecture in England, and was very much impressed with his lectures. Although I do not agree with all his views, yet many of them seem to me indisputable. Judging from the tone of your papers, much enlightenment is needed as to European politics, and men like Solger must be useful.

Parker Pillsbury is, I hear, in Bath. Wherever he goes, he does much service to the good cause of freedom, and the best wishes of all his friends accompany him. We always want one of your band here to keep up the sacred fire among us. I hope Mr. Pillsbury will be able to stay with us a good while longer; but whenever he returns, be sure you send us over another hero to keep us up to our duty. 

With my warmest good wishes for your continued success in your noble enterprise, believe me

Yours, most faithfully, 


The following letter has been mislaid till now.
GUNNERSBURY PLACE, Brantford Road, London, Sept. 4, 1854.

Since my arrival in England, I have watched the anti-slavery movement with the deepest interest. Though it has been some considerable time since I have done anything in a public way for its promotion, nevertheless, I hope in future to devote as much time as possible to this good cause. By so doing, however, I am not aware that I can instrumental in breaking a single link in the chain of slavery; yet there is some consolation in doing what one really feels to be his duty. 

Both my wife and myself have deeply sympathized with the many unfortunate victims of the Fugitive Slave Law, and also with the noble anti-slavery friends who have labored so zealously to prevent its execution. 

I was pleased to see that it required military force to return poor Burns to slavery. I think the law would soon become a dead letter, if every fugitive slave would resolve to remain free, or return to slavery only in his coffin. 

The great Anti-Slavery Conference, recently held at Manchester, was of vital importance; and it is to be hoped that the one soon to be held in London will also give a new impetus to the anti-slavery cause, and excite no small degree of popular indignation against the human system of American slavery. 

I was much grieved to hear of the death of Mr. Henry Bibb. I don't know of any fugitive slave that has proved himself more worthy of his freedom than he. 

I am sure all true friends of the slave in the United States will extend to our friends of the slave in the United States will extend to our friend Mr. Brown that hearty welcome which his long and unwearied labors in this country have truly merited. 

I thank you again for your kindness in sending me THE LIBERATOR, and hope you will now allow me to subscribe for it for twelve months. Mr. Brown will settle with  you. 

My wife and child are quite well.
Yours, very respectfully, WM. CRAFT.



God never cursed any one. Vengeance is not an attribute of God. Bible writers [[italic]] thought [[/italic]] God was wrathful, whenever the elements destroyed property, and whenever Disobedience met with its Consequences. Transgressors, though not accursed from God, or by God, are sentenced to the condition and sufferings of transgressors. 

We cannot innocently wish or be willing to be sentenced to the sufferings of transgressors--for it involves the wish or the willingness to be transgressors. 

We may innocently be willing to leave the ordinary comforts of society--to be called of men, infidel and wicked, and to endure the trials incidental to the attempts to save transgressors. 

It is in this latter sense that Christ suffered, and not in the former.

We cannot innocently wish that others were sentenced to the sufferings of transgressors, for this is malevolence. 

We may innocently wish that others, as well as ourselves, were ready to lave ordinary comforts and circumstances of good society, and endure the trials of a true-hearted and active philanthropist.

We cannot innocently wish ourselves or others to be slaves, or to suffer as slaves--though we may innocently wish ourselves and others to suffer bravely, whatever trials may come from laboring among slaves, and in their behalf. 

But will not the end justify the means? Is it now right to do evil that good may come? Is it not right to choose the less of two moral evils?

Might it not be right for Christ or for Paul to be willing to suffer as sinners for the sake of saving a multitude of sinners? Even allowing that their becoming sinners,and being treated as such by the Almighty, would have a tendency to save a multitude of other sinners, which is a manifest absurdity, yet I answer unequivocally, No--it is never right to do wrong even to prevent what seems a greater evil--it is never right to choose either of two [[italic]] moral [[/italic]] evils--and we are never compelled to. Neither Christ nor Paul was treated as sinners, nor wished to be by the Almighty; though they were willing to be by wicked men, rather than give up their goodness.

But, says one, may I not be willing to go into bondage, and suffer unresistingly the tyranny of a slaveholder, rather than see the Constitution dishonored, and the streets flowing with blood and civil war? And may I not be considered a patriot for being willing myself, and also to let my son, or brother, or mother, or sister, or a stranger, thus unresistingly go into bondage? I answer, unequivocally, No!--As a patriot, a Christian and a man, I answer, No!-- and call upon every one, as they value their souls and the soul of this country, to answer, [[italic]] No! [[/italic]]

I know how unfortunate it is that there is a conflict between the Constitution and the Word of God; but there is such a conflict. All admit either this, or that there is a conflict between the immutable Right and the Fugitive Slave Bill.

Whether it is right to submit to the one or the other, who can hesitate, except the wrong-minded man?
*See Romans, 9 : 3.

KOSSUTH ON WAR. The Letter of KOSSUTH, on our last page, addressed to the Society fo Friends in Great Britain, justifying the war system by the teachings of Jesus, is one of the shallowest, most sophistical, and most calumnious products of the human brain, that we have ever seen. He is as deficient in moral perception as he is in logical acumen; he totally misrepresents the views of the friends of peace, and merely knocks down a man of straw of his own manufacture; and he exhibits any thing but a candid or decorous spirit. We have less and less respect for this windy Hungarian. His servile bowing down to the slaveholders of the South, and eulogizing them as the true friends of freedom while in this country revealed his real character to the world.

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WORCESTER, Mass., Feb. 13, 1855.
The Worcester County Kansas |League,--like all the other organizations for forwarding Emigrants to Kansas,--is making preparations for the large movement of Emigrants, which will take place early in the Spring. It will readily be understood that the earlier Emigrants can go the better; both for their own prospects and those of the Territory. Our County League is now organizing a party of Worcester County men and women, which will leave this city for the West, on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 13, at 4 1-4 o'clock.

Beginning with Tuesday, the 6th of March, the Emigrant Aid Company will send forward parties, as often at least as once a week on Tuesday afternoon, at half-past two o'clock, from Boston to Kansas. Our party is one of these, and goes under their arrangements.--These parties go by the way of Albany, Buffalo, Chicago, and Alton. The tickets from Boston to Kansas city, on the frontier of the Territory, cost twenty-five dollars;--these are first class tickets, but do not include board. Board on the boats from St. Louis to Kansas cost five dollars more. Each passenger is permitted to take one hundred pounds of baggage without extra payment. Extra baggage will cost $2,50 a hundred to Buffalo. Beyond Buffalo, the price is not fixed to St. Louis, but it is never so much as this. On the boats to Kansas city, the rate is one cent a pound. Baggage may be sent, however, as freight to St. Louis, for $2,50 a hundred, from Boston. If you want to send thus, address it, care of Benjamin Slater, St. Louis.

In case more than one person in a neighborhood wish to emigrate, they ought, in every instance, to fix on the same day of starting, and appoint one of their number to correspond with our Secretary, and make the necessary arrangements with him.

The Company does not undertake to render any assistance to the Emigrant on his way to Kansas, beyond the arrangements by which his passage is reduced to twenty-five dollars. It sends, however, an agent with every train, who will see to all the business arrangements of the party, and, in case women or children are to emigrate alone, they are to be placed under his protection.

At Kansas City, the Emigrant Aid Company owns a hotel, and at Lawrence city two boarding houses, in which Emigrants can be accommodated,--not with Astor House fare, but with such conveniences as new Western towns can give, at reasonable rates.

The only settlement yet made by the Emigrant Aid Company is Lawrence, about eight miles west of the Wah-ka-rusa creek on the South side of Kansas River. So nearly as we are at present informed, there are now between one and two thousand persons. There is a steam Saw Mill, one or more other steam engines, three printing presses, on one of which the Herald of Freedom is printed, a school and church organization. The church edifice is not yet completed. All travel to Lawrence passes through Kansas city on the west line of Missouri, where travellers leave the Missouri river steamboats. The distance between Kansas city to Lawrence is between forty and fifty miles.

The Company propose to establish other settlements this Spring in other parts of the Territory.

We caution you, or any of your friends who propose emigrating, not to pay money to any Emigrant Leagues, except for the purchase of passage tickets, unless you have perfect confidence in the officers. Some small 'Leagues' have been formed, which have raised money by assessment, with the supposition that the members thus procured particular advantages in Kansas; and these funds were then all wanted. You will need all the money you can get, in Kansas, after you have arrived.

The Emigrant Aid Company does not attempt to furnish land to settlers unless, in special instances, a man needs to purchase some small lot for particular purposes, from the Company. 

Every emigrant, on the other hand, can take from government one hundred and sixty acres. He will not have to pay for this until the government has completed its surveys, which have not yet begun. He will then have to pay one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Emigrants should be very cautious, before they arrive on the spot, how they attempt to buy on better terms than these, which are certainly very favorable.

At Kansas City you or your friends will find Mr. S. C. Pomeroy, the financial agent of the Company; and at Lawrence city, Dr. Chas. Robinson and Mr. Branscomb, also officers of the company, on whom you may implicitly rely, as men of high integrity and accurate knowledge of that country, for advice and information as to your movement and location.

We constantly receive letters asking what sort of men are wanted in Kansas.

In answer, we have to say, that all sorts of men and women who can do anything are wanted there, and none others. Of course, it is impossible for us to give advice adapted to the circumstances of each settler.

But we know the soil to be rich and the climate healthy. Land can be obtained for almost nothing, and very plentiful returns had, with much less labor than is demanded on our New England farms. For some time to come, the stream of emigration thither, and to States west of Kansas, will keep up the market for agricultural produce, and make a good demand for the labor of mechanics of different grades. We have advices from there to the end of last year, which state that the cold weather was then passed, and that it had not been so severe but that men worked in building, &c., in the open air, with very little interruption. There is every sort of timber there, except evergreen timber; coal is abundant for use as fuel, and iron ore in rich specimens is found in different parts of the territory. Gen. Stringfellow, in his recent letter, says that farms in Missouri, without buildings, in the immediate vicinity of the Kansas valley, sell readily at prices from $25 to $50 per acre. All settlers in Kansas will buy from the government at only $1 25 an acre.

The settlements which have thus far been made have proved to be in very healthy situations.

No correct estimate can be made of the present population of Kansas.

The Indians in the vicinity of the settlers have been under the instruction of missionaries and others for many years, and have thus far proved good neighbors. They carry on considerable farming operations.

We are already certain that a very large emigration will go into Kansas from New England, New York, and the North Western States, in the course of the next spring. If you wish to go, you can procure your ticket through our Secretary, Mr. W. W. Rice, of this city.

If you or any of your friends wish to assist in this movement, without going, you have different methods of doing so.

1. By subscribing to this League, you extend our operations in this county. Every person subscribing one dollar becomes a member of the League. Our object is to keep an office open for furnishing information,--to make all necessary arrangements for settlers with the Emigrant Aid Company,--to circulate information in regard to the territories,--and in general to facilitate it as far as our means permit.

The officers of the Worcester County League are:

President--A. H. Bulloch. Vice President--Wm. T. Merrifield. Treasurer--P. L. Moen. Secretary and Master of Emigration--W. W. Rice. Directors--Henry Chapin, Charles Thurber, Horace James, Wm. H. Harris, Wm. A. Wheeler, O. C. Felton, E. E. Hale, and P. L. Moen.

We have ample use for more funds than have been subscribed, and earnestly ask for general coöperation.

2. You can subscribe for the stock of the Emigrant Aid Company itself, to which our League is an auxiliary.

Its officers are:--
AMOS A. LAWRENCE, of Boston,
J. M. S. WILLIAMS, Cambridge, } Trustees.
ELI THAYER, Worcester,

Mr. Lawrence is Treasurer, and Dr. Thos. H. Webb, of Boston, is Secretary. His office is at the Mass. Historical Society's rooms, next door south of the Museum, in Tremont Street.

You can become a subscriber to its stock, by taking one or more shares, of the value of twenty dollars each. This stock is invested in such improvements in Kansas, as promote the comfort, health, and success of the Emigrants; at the same time the investments return a fair profit to the Company. You readily understand, that, in a new region, capital is the great necessity. By investing capital in saw-mills, grist-mills, steam-engines, boarding-houses, &c., &c., the Emigrant Aid Company expects to promote the purposes of its Emigrants so far as to relive the emigration into Kansas of much of the suffering which usually awaits the settlement of a new country. Its investments, already made, have been of great utility, and will prove very profitable.

If you wish to take stock, you can do so by giving to the Secretary, Dr. T. H. Webb, a power of attorney to take shares in your name.

In answer to the constant question, whether Kanzas is in any danger of becoming a Slave State, we can only reply that, in our opinion, there is no danger whatever for Kanzas, if five thousand Emigrants from New England, New York, and the northwestern States move thither in March, April, May, and June. From the number of names already recorded, of those who propose to go, we are confident that a much larger number than this will go forward.

The arrangements of the Emigrant Aid Company will be sent you by mail, if you apply to its Secretary.

The Secretary of the Kanzas League of Worcester County is W. W. Rice, Esq., of Worcester.

The Secretary of the New York Kanzas League is Theodore Dwight, Esq., No. 110 Broadway, N. Y.

The General Agent of the New York Kanzas League and American Settlement Company is George Walter, New York.

If you wish to write to Lawrence, address your letter to (Lawrence, Kanzas Territory,) Box No. 16, Kansas P. O., Missouri.     For the Kanzas League,
W. W. RICE, Secretary.

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May be had at the Wesleyan Book Room, Syracuse, New York, of the class described below, at the rate of sixteen pages for one cent. Packages of 100 pages, cost only 4 cents postage, if prepared. Smaller packages are charged one cent a piece. The law fixes 8 ounces as the weight, at which cheap postage commences.

These tracts embrace a series on Slavery; Intemperance; War; Licentiousness; Political Obligations; True Piety.

[[two column table]]
Slavery a Sin - Part I.       | 24 Pages
   "       "    Part II.      | 24   "
The Maine Law Right           | 12   "
The Mexican War               | 12   "
Evils of War                  | 16   "
Licentiousness                | 12   "
Popular Sanctification of Sin | 24   "
The Friend of the People      | 12   "
[[/two column table]]

These tracts are the beginning of an important movement for good. Their relation to the wants of the community are manifest. As the American Tract Society refuses to publish any thing against slavery, changes the language of its publications, or suppresses and expunges whatever is offensive to slavery, we deem it the duty and privilege of the reader to do what he may to scatter these tracts far and wide over the land. A package of 400 pages, postage prepaid, will only cost 30 cents. And they will be made up of each kind, or of one kind, as the purchaser may choose. 
Address, L. C. Matlack, Syracuse, N. Y.

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Death of Hon. Cyrus Barton. A telegraph dispatch from Concord, N.H.,announces that Hon. Cyrus Barton, editor of the Concord [[italics]] Reporter [[/italics]], dropped down dead, of disease of the heart, on Saturday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. Mr. Barton had just concluded a speech at a political meeting in an adjoining town, and was in the act of taking his seat when he fell and expired. Mr. Barton was formerly one of the publishers of the N.H. [[italics]] Patriot [[/italics]], and a leading Democrat. He held the office of U.S. Marshal under Mr. Polk's administration. Recently he has, with his political friend, Mr. Burke, opposed the Administration, and his paper has supported the nomination of Mr. Metcalf for Governor.
The following particulars are given in the [[italics]] Voice of the Stockholders [[/italics]], a Concord paper: 
'Last Saturday, in a public political meeting at London Centre, ten miles east of this city, at 5 o'clock, P.M., and just as he closed a brief speech of fifteen minutes duration, Hon. Cyrus Barton was seen to tremble a moment, and when about to fall was gently eased into a chair that stood behind him by Mr. Harriman, State Treasurer, who was there as one of the speakers of the meeting, and abundant medical and other assistance was at hand at once, but life was extinct, and no efforts could produce the least sign of animation. 
'It was congestion of the brain, undoubtedly, as his face was at once very dark, and other indications evinced the presence of that fatal difficulty. He had been affected much with a difficulty at the heart of late. Mr. B. had been speaking under some excitement, and, as he closed, attempted to take a little water from a tumbler, and was dead in less than two minutes after he ceased to speak.'

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EXCITEMENT IN A CINCINNATI SCHOOL--[[italics]] Expulsion of a Negro Pupil [[/italics]].--The Cincinnati Commercial of Friday says:--
      'There was great excitement in the Seventh District yesterday, concerning the determination of Miss Newhall, that a colored boy, who had been in attendance in other departments of the school, shall not be admitted into hers. The boy was regularly a pupil for some months, and nothing was said of it until he was transferred to Miss Newhall's room, when she sent him home with a note, informing his mother that he would not be permitted to remain longer in the school. The mother, who is a light mulatto, inquired the reason, and Miss N. laid the matter before the DIstrict Trustees, who told her that she [[italics]] must [[/italics]] receive the boy, and she persisted in refusing to do so.'

'The [[italics]] Gazette [[/italics]] of Tuesday states that the matter was laid before the School Board subsequently, and that Miss Newhall, after an exciting debate, was sustained in the course she had pursued. The boy, who called himself a quadroon, was expelled from the school, the Board deeming that colored schools were provided for those tinged with negro blood. 

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RIGHT OF COLORED PERSONS TO VOTE IN PENNSYLVANIA.--Mr. D. L. Smith, Representative from Alleghany County, has read, in his place, the following bill:
AN ACT [[italics]] to confer upon Colored Persons the Right of Citizenship [[/italics]]

  SEC. 1. Be it enacted, &c., That from and after the passage of this act, all colored male persons of African and mixed extraction, who are now, or may hereafter become residents of this Commonwealth, be freemen, and are hereby entitled to all the civil, religious and political rights, as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes, as the same are enjoyed and held by any person or persons, citizens of this Commonwealth. 
  SEC. 2. That so much of any law or laws, as may be incompatible wit the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. 

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SLAVERY IN KANSAS.--Mr. B. F. Stringfellow, of Missouri, has written a long letter to certain members of Congress, in which he proves to his own satisfaction, that slave labor along can be profitable in Kansas. Springfellow declares that if slavery is not established in the territory, we may as well consider the Union dissolved, and chaos come again generally. In order to save the country from this terrible fate, Stringfellow says the people of Missouri are willing to sacrifice home, happiness, comfort and prosperity, and to move into Kansas with their chattels without delay. He says also that there is now in the territory a majority of more than [[italics]] four [[/italics to [[italics]] one [[/italics]] in favor of making Kansas a slaveholding state. 

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ANOTHER VETO.--The President has vetoed the French Spoliation Bill!! His Veto Message was sent to the House on Saturday, and the reading thereof occupied three quarters of an hour. The President refers to his duties under the constitution, and says it stands as a matter of history that these claims have never, since our existence as a nation, been deemed by and President worthy of recommendation to Congress. He thinks that to con cede what this bill assumes, would be to impute to France and the United States undeserved reproach. Attempts were made to enter at once into a consideration of the message, but the House adjourned. 
The message created a sensation in the House, and will cause great indignation throughout New England. 

[[image of a hand with the index finger pointing]] The [[italics]] Atlas [[/italics, prompted by the Veto, catechizes Franklin Pierce thus:--
'Is the President of the United States in love with infamy? Does he desire to be despised? Does he pine to have his name associated with hard, ungraceful, ungenerous actions? He voted against a gratuity to the widow of the lamented Harrison, and he has now vetoed the French Spoliation Boll. Was it because the bill did justice to paupers and to orphans--because it wiped from the character of the country a foul reproach--because it made the government an honest government, that the President has interposed to prevent it from becoming a law?'

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[[italics]] Correspondence of the Boston Journal. [[/italics]]
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 9, 1855
ANOTHER CUBA EXPEDITION--[[italics]]Three Steamers Purchased--8,000 Men Enrolled.[[/italics]]--The expedition which has been so long organizing to take Cuba, is ready to leave. The steamship United States, the fastest vessel ever built, has been purchased, and extensive alterations made to improve her speed. She has had 700 persons on her one trip from Navy Bay, and it is calculated she can accommodate [[italics]]twelve hundred[[/italics]] on a trip to Cuba. The old Massachusetts is put down as being very fast, and the calculation has been to take [[italics]]two thousand[[/italics]] men on her. Her destination from New York was the coast of Florida, where the men are to embark. 
The Pampero left here the last of January, and will convey troops from the Florida coast in connection with the Massachusetts. The commander of the Cuban army is Gen. J.A. Quitman, formerly United States Senator from Mississippi. He has the confidence and respect of all his men. The Regiment in Mississippi is composed of the first young men of the State, and they are well armed. The city is full of rumors, and considerable interest is manifested in the affair. Report says that 2000 men have left here, via the lakes, to take the steamship United States on the Gulf. 
I will in future give you and reliable information I may obtain. Yours, truly, BOSTON. 

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ENSLAVEMENT OF INDIANS.--Advices from Yucatan state that on the 21st of December there were in prison at Sisal, forty Indians awaiting shipment on board the Mexican schooner Jacinto, for Havana, where they were to be sold as slaves, and that one hundred and fifty more were in prison at Merida, and expected to arrive at Sisal to be shipped for Cuba on board the brig Antonita. The sum received by the Mexican government for the sale of two hundred Indians was $20,000, as appears by an official order from the Secretary of Foreign Relations, in which it also appears that the pretext is that the Indians were rebellious, and were captured in the war. Against this, however, they have made a solemn protest, averring that they were peaceable, and took no part in the war.



[[italics]]Killing Indians.[[/italics]]--We see by the Savannah, (mo.) [[italics]]Sentinel[[/italics]], that some Indian hunters in Gentry county, under a pass from the agent, not being successful, had to resort to the killing of hogs to sustain life. One of the owners of the hogs coming upon them when they were in the act, shot three of the Indians, all of whom died. The balance of the tribe fled for their homes. 

[[italics]]Letter Apostolic[[/italics]].--The [[italics]]Freeman's Journal[[/italics]] of last week publishes a 'Letter Apostolic of our most holy Lord Pius IX., by Divine Providence Pope, concerning the dogmatic definition of the Virgin Mother of God.' It occupies more than six columns of that paper, and concludes with the declaration, that 'should any presume to assail it, (the dogma,) let him know that he will incur the indignation of the Omnipotent God, and of his blessed apostles, Peter and Paul.' (!!)

[[image of hand with index finger pointing]]Since the opening of hostilities up to the end of the year, the total number of Russian Prizes capture by British cruisers has been ninety-two. 

Hard Times.--The receipts for the seventeen operatic performances by the Grisi and Mario troupe, in Boston, are estimated at from 45,000 to $50,000. 
A mocking bird was sold at auction in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, for $47, and a pet poodle for $45.

[[italics]]An English Officer Frozen to Death[[/italics]].--The last advices from the Crimea state that Brevet Major McDonald, of the 88th Regiment, was frozen to death in the trenches before Sebastopol.

[[image of hand with index finger pointing]]Rev. W.H. Goodwin enjoys the distinction of being the first clergyman ever elected by the popular vote to any civil office in the State of New York. Up to 1847 there was a Constitutional provision which prevented ministers from attaining to any civil office. 

[Italics]]Judge Loring Rejected[[/italics]].--At a meeting of the Board of Overseers of Harvard University held on the 15th inst., the nomination of Edward G. Loring, as Lecturer on Law, was [[italics]]rejected[[/italics]] by the decisive vote of twenty nays to ten yeas. The work has begun nobly, and we trust that the Legislature will follow in the same track.--[[italics]]East Boston Ledger.[[/italics]]

[[italics]]Well Done[[/italics]].--The Board of Overseers of Harvard College did a good thing, yesterday, in vetoing, by a vote of about two to one, the appointment of Edward Greely Loring, as Law Lecturer in the Institution. This is right. Respectable Southern men will not appoint to office or hold any social relations with kidnappers or even slave traders. Why, then, should Northern men permit such to be instructors of their youth?-- [[italics]]Worcester Star[[/italics]].

[[italics]]Stampeding Slaves.[[/italics]]--But one of the five slaves who left their owners of this city, about three weeks since, has been captured. On Tuesday, we learn through the Post, two more suddenly left--one of them having said to some of the children in his master's house that he had'made it all right with a man, and was going to leave soon.'--[[italics]]Richmond Enquirer[[/italics]].

[[italics]]Loss of an Elephant[[/italics]].--Capt McKay, of ship Wm. Goddard, which arrived at this post this morning, from Calcutta, had on board a noble Elephant when he left port, but soon after getting to sea, the animal became very sea-sick, his sufferings being apparently proportionate to his size. He also experienced much inconvenience from cold weather, although he was well clothed in flannels, and finally he died. The value of the animal in this country would have been about $50,000.--[[italics]]Boston Traveller, 15th inst.[[/italics]]

[[italics]]Slave Trade.[[/italics]]--A recent arrival from Mozambique brings the intelligence that eight hundred negroes were in the slave pens awaiting conveyance to Cuba, and that the agent offered one hundred and twenty thousand dollars to the captain of any ship that would take them out, the money to be paid by a draft on a commercial house in New York. 

[[italics]]New York, Feb. 19th.[[/italics]]--A preliminary meeting of those favorable to making Kanzas a free State, was held at Hope Chapel on Saturday night, and a committee appointed to agitate the subject in this city by means of public demonstrations and other wise, with a view to largely increasing emigration in that direction. 

[[italics]]Prohibited Law States.[[/italics]]--The following is the list of States that have enacted laws entirely prohibiting the sale of intoxicating drinks for a beverage--Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, Illinois. 

[[italics]]Great Fall of Rain.[[/italics]]--Professor Caswell, of Brown University, furnishes the Providence [[italics]]Journal[[/italics]] with a meteorological table for January, by which it appears that the quantity of rain which fell last month was 6 45 inches. The average fall for January for twenty-four years being only 2 94 inches. 

[[italics]]A Changeable Climate.[[/italics]]--A correspondent of the Portland [[italics]]Advertiser[[/italics]], writing from Fryeburg, Me., says that the range of the mercury in his thermometer during the pas eight months had been 137 1/2 degrees--the highest having been 99 degrees above zero, and the lowest 38 1/2 below. 

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] In the Missouri Legislature on the 7th, Mr. Doniphan presented a memorial, praying that the publication of Abolition sentiments be made a penitentiary offence. 

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] The State Treasurer of Pennsylvania was recently arrested in the railroad cars, on account of a fancied resemblance to a rogue for whom the police were on the look out. 

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] The Morris [[italics]]Jerseyman[[/italics]] says that a lady residing about a mile and half from Morristown, gave birth on Friday to three children--two boys and a girl--all of whom are living, and doing well. The mother is unmarried. 

[[italics]]New Orleans, Feb. 14th.[[/italics]]--Havana papers have been received here, containing accounts of the expedition now organizing in the United States, under the direction of Col. Kinney. They say that its true directors are Generals Quitman and Henderson; that about six hundred men have enlisted; and that seven hundred acres of land have been offered to each soldier who takes part in the expedition. 
General Concha has issued a proclamation, commanding that no quarter be given to the fillibusters, in case they are captured, and saying that he relies upon the strength and loyalty of the people to uphold him in his efforts to defeat them. 

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] In the Lawrenceburgh [[italics]]Express[[/italics]], of the 7th inst., we find the following singular notice:
'MARRIED--on Thursday, January 30th, by Rev. Mr. Colalrd, Rev. James Brooking to Miss Sallie Craig, all of Boone county, Kentucky.
'The above couple were really married in the Ohio river, opposite the Rising Sun, [[italics]]on a cake of floating ice![[/italics]] Surely that was taking a cold start in matrimonial life.'

[[italics]]Convention of Spiritualists.--New York, Feb. 17.[[/italics]]--A convention of Spiritualists, some two thousand strong, assembled at the Tabernacle last night. Addresses were delivered by Judge Edmonds, ex-Governor Tallmadge and Rev. T.L. Harris. 

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] A Philadelphia correspondent of the [[italics]]Anti-Slavery Standard[[/italics]] gives an account of a base attempt to crowd colored people into a 'nigger pew' at the 'Black Swan's' concerts in Philadelphia. Robert Purvis, a wealthy and gentlemanly colored man, having purchased fill-price tickets, took his seat with his son in the body of the concert-hall. Being ordered by a constable to go into the negro-department, Mr. P. refused, and persisting in his refusal, conquered the constable and manager of the concert. It is due to Miss Greenfield, the 'Swan,' to say that she did not know of this insult offered to one of her race. 

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] The Cincinnati people are in trouble. A South Carolina lady obtained the place of school mistress in an Academy there, and into which a colored boy sought admission, but was refused. Legal measures are talked of. According to the New York [[italics]]Tribune[[/italics]], the case is this: 'A few days since, Miss Isabella Newhall, a teacher in one of the public schools in Cincinnati, applied to the Board of Education of that city, soliciting the dismission of one of her pupils, not for improper conduct, nor on account of his inability or unwillingness to receive instruction, but because his skin was darker than that of some of the other scholars. The matter was brought before the Board, and appears to have received considerable discussion in that body; but it was finally decided he must take his walking ticket. The vote stood 15 to 10. Upon the announcement of the result, two of the Board resigned, both members from the district in which the sensitive Isabella teaches. The young Miss is said to be a native of the South, which may account for re repugnance to 'niggers'--especially educated ones.'

[[italics]]Cool and Pleasant.[[/italics]]--A mercanitile house in this city (says the New York [[italics]]Tribune[[/italics]]) which had for some time been awaiting remittances from a North Carolina customer to meet their own pressing liabilities, a few days since received a note from the legal adviser of said customer, running thus:
'Mr. S.D.L---, on the 8th inst., made a trust of all his property, [[italics]]excluding all Northern creditors.[[/italics]]'



A Meeting of the New England Non-Resistance Society will be holden in Worcester, Mass. (probably in Brinley Hall,) Saturday and Sunday, March 10 and 11, commencing at 10 o'clock, A.M., on Saturday, and ending on Sunday evening. On Saturday evening, an address on the general subject of Christian Non-Resistance will be delivered by ADIN BALLOU. On Sunday forenoon, afternoon and evening, there will be addresses, discussions, exhortations, and remarks, accompanied by singing, and such other devotional exercises as persons in attendance may feel it a privilege to offer. 

Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Stephen S. Foster, Abby Kelley Foster, Henry C. Wright, and we hope many other able speakers, will be present on the occasion. As many of the friends from the Hopedale Community as can conveniently attend, especially speakers and singers, are earnestly requested to be present. 

The discussions will be radical and earnest. All the bearings of the great doctrine, TOTAL ABSTINENCE FROM INJURIOUS FORCE, Individual and Social, Moral and Political, Conservative and Reformatory, will be in order. 

The few veteran Non-Resistants who still remain true to their standard, (being a precious few,) will need no urging to be present. The [[italics]]whilom[[/italics]] Non-Resistants and Peace Men, (not a few,) who have progressed round the moral zodiac int the constellation of INJURIOUS FORCE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS' SAKE, are requested to come and tell us their [[italics]]experience[[/italics]], that the remnant of us may see their more 'more excellent way.' Finally, we tender a welcome to all who seriously believe that the human race cannot be governed, protected, improved, and regenerated without a dernier resort to THE SWORD and PENAL VENGEANCE. Come and give us your strong reasons. Come and hear ours in favor of [[italics]]never[[/italics]] doing evil that good may come--[[italics]]never resisting injury with injury[[/italics]]

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] WILLIAM WELLS BROWN, an Agent of the [[italics]]American Anti-Slavery Society[[/italics]], will spend the months of March and April in Central and Southern Ohio. The friends of the Anti-Slavery cause in that general region will doubtless give him a cordial reception, and such aid as his object requires. With regard to the appointment of meetings for him, they will please correspond with Mrs. J. DE GRAW, Secretary of the Ladies' Anti-Slavery Circle, Cincinnati.  

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Died, in Concord, Mass. February 6, Mrs. SUSAN BARRETT, aged 71.

Mrs. Barrett was an abolitionist of the true 'Garrisonian' stamp, and she was neither afraid nor ashamed to own the name before men. When the cries and groans of the slave first reached her ear, they found a ready response in her heart. Her inquiry directly was, What can I do to help remove this mountain of wrong which is crushing to ruin these poor countrymen of mine? Having found what she conceived to be her duty, she immediately set about performing it. It was at her house, nearly twenty years ago, that the first Anti-Slavery Society, in Concord, was formed. From that day till the day of her death, she carried the standard she then unfurled, calmly and serenely, through good report and through evil report, with a faith in the promises of God which never wavered: and though in the progress of the cause she saw many, (o, how many!) either being wearied by the length of the way, or lacking a high and trusting faith in God, or turning aside to worship idols, fall by the wayside, slain, yet toward these she had no feelings of bitterness, but only grief and sorrow that their eyesight was too dim to see the magnitude of the cause, and the divine support a great principle gives to all those who self-sacrificingly embrace it. 

Mrs. Barrett expected to find in the so-called Christina Church a powerful auxiliary to the anti-slavery movement; but when she found, after long laboring with them, that they were, with few exceptions, personally hostile or utterly indifferent to the mightiest of Despotism's wrongs; when, also, she knew that with them was the power to break the heavy yoke and let the oppressed go free, and make this land what it would then be, the glory of all lands; she, knew that with them was the power to break the heavy yoke and let the oppressed go free, and make this land what it would then be, the glory of all lands; she, in no spirit of self-righteousness, but with a deep inward conviction that duty demanded the step, turned her back upon its institutions, resolved to walk no more with them, until by repentance they had atoned for their lack of sympathy with Christ in this cause, so peculiarly dear to his heart. The few remaining members of this Society will cherish her memory with deep gratitude to God, that they have been so often consoled in times of darkness and trial by her strong faith, and been made glad by her quick and ready sympathy and cooperation in every thing which was for the interest of the cause. Her name will be unknown to earthly fame--she belonged to those whom Rogers calls the 'unspeaking, unwriting women, who are to the cause of anti-slavery what the dew is to the grass, who watch over it by night and by day'--a private soldier in the mighty battle now waging, who, though equally faithful, and often as serviceable, will never be mentioned when history shall record the noble deeds of its leaders. It was for no reward to self, here or hereafter, that she labored and prayed, through at times she would hear the angel re-echo the Savior's words--'Inasmuch as ye have done it to these my most wronged and outraged brethern, ye have done it unto me--be thou faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things.' She has passed to her reward. May her mantle descend on some young and brave spirit, who, in the trying days which are yet to come, will be as true and faithful as was she. Farewell, friend of our heart! Very pleasant wast thou to us in life, and in death we feel that we are not divided; we have followed thee to the mansions above, and heard thy glad approval; it shall stimulate to greater labors, and to more entire consecration to a cause so momentous in its consequences to all the dwellers on our sin-cursed earth. *

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Died, in Randolph, Vt., Feb. 11, of consumption, Howard Griswold, Esq., aged 50.

Mr. Griswold was a friend and patron of THE LIBERATOR, and one of the few in this region whose motto was, 'No Union with Slaveholders'--'No Compromise with Oppression in any form.'  His heart was full of sympathy for the down-trodden and outraged slave, which cause him to labor constantly and perseveringly in his behalf.  By his death, suffering Humanity has one less friend to feel and please for its redemption; the panting fugitive has lost one whose hands and home afforded him a safe retreat when pursued by human bloodhounds. In our gatherings for the discussion of the doctrine of human freedom, we shall mourn the absence of one who was ever ready to wage war with that 'sum of all villainies,' American slavery.
Randolph, VT., Feb, 15. 1855

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The undersigned, inhabitants of --------------, respectfully request the Legislature to provide, by due legislation, some efficient means to prevent the colored children of Boston from being deprived of the equal privileges of the common schools of that city.

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[[italics]] Legal Voters | Non-Voters. [[/italics]]
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The friends throughout the State are requested to be diligent in circulating the above petitions to the Legislature, and forward them at earliest convenience to 
W.M. C. NELL, 21 Cornhill. 

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OFFER TO SELL THE FUGITIVE BURNS.--Rev. Mr. Grimes, the colored clergyman in this city, stated in the morning prayer meeting in the Old South Chapel yesterday morning, that he held the written contract of the master of the fugitive slave Burns, to sell him for the sum of $1300. Mr. Grimes also said that he had already raised full one half of the required sum, and he had no doubt that the rest would be subscribed, and that he should soon have the pleasure of introducing Burns to those who attend that meeting. 



We are happy to announce that Mrs. E. OAKES SMITH, the oauthor of 'Bertha,' 'the News-Boy,' &c., will lecture at the MEIONAON, on MONDAY EVENING NEXT, Feb. 26, commencing at half past 7 o'clock. Subject--MARGARET FULLER. Admission, 25 cents.

Also, on WEDNESDAY EVENING NEXT, at the same place and hour. Subject--THE DIGNITY OF LABOR. 

This gifted writer and accomplished lecturer ought to be greeted with crowded houses. 

Referring to Mrs. SMITH, the East Boston [[italics]]Ledger[[/italics]]says--
'Two or three months since, at the request of Mrs. Smith, we announced in the [[italics]]Ledger[[/italics]] her intention to deliver one or more lectures in Boston on the Rights and Claims of Woman upon the Age. She, however, concluded to defer her lecture until after the lecture-season; and her friends will be glad she did so, because the important subject on which she speaks ought not to be lost among a thousand other attraction. Both the subject and the speaker are worthy of full houses, and we hope her reception will be such as will be gratifying to herself, and encouraging to the friends of progress.'

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PRIESTLY MONTHLY. The New York[[italics]]Independent [[/italics]]] claims to be a religious anti-slavery journal,[[italics]]par excellence;[[/italics]]yet, in principle, it is no more entitled to that appellation than the New York[[italics]]Observer[[/italics]], and at times is quite as malignant towards the uncompromising abolitionists as the latter paper. Read the article from the[[italics]]Independent[[/italics]], in the 'REFUGE OF OPPRESSION,' respecting PARKER PILLSBURY and the American Board of Commissioners, and say whether even Bennett's [[italics]]Herald[[/italics]]has ever breathed a more contemptuous, bitter and ferocious spirit than characterizes that article. We defy the[[italics]]Independent[[/italics]]to disprove of any one of the charges made against the American Board by Mr. PILLSBURY, in the London Conference. It does not attempt to do so, but only deals in personal slander and low vituperation.

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[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]]A SERIES OF ANTI-SLAVERY CONVENTIONS, in Western Massachusetts, &c., having been projected by the Executive Committee of the [[italics]]American Anti-Slavery Society[[/italics]], will be commenced by the holding of such a Convention in SPRINGFIELD, on Saturday and Sunday, March 3d and 4th, at Hampden Hall.

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]]The Springfield Convention will be attended by Wm. LLOYD GARRISON, Wm. W. BROWN, and LEWIS FORD.

A CONVENTION will be held at NORTHAMPTON, commencing on Tuesday evening, March 6th, and continuing through Wednesday, March 7th. This Convention will be attended by Wm. WELLS BROWN, STEPHEN S. FOSTER, and LEWIS FORD.

A CONVENTION will be held in GREENFIELD; of which a more particular notice will appear next week.

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[[italics]] The Massachusetts Register for [[/italics]] 1855.-This valuable annual has just been published by George Adams. It embraces, the present year, the usual comprehensive view of the State, county and city governments, of the charitable societies, bands and other institutions, list of commissioners, justices of the peace, clergymen, physicians, &c. Beside this, we have much valuable historical matter relating to the State, such as a list of the State Governors extending back to the first settlement, a list of acts passed by the last Legislature, with a brief synopsis of their provisions, tables showing the population, rateable polls, and votes for Governor in the several towns for 1853 and 1854, and many other useful facts and statistics. This annual is one of great value and usefulness, and it is complied with great care. We have found it surprisingly accurate as a book of reference, and would as soon think of dispensing with a dictionary as with the State Register. We cordially commend it to the patronage of our readers.-[[italics]]Boston Journal[[/italics]]

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]]The Legislature of Michigan has passed a law which provides for the trial by jury to any slave claimed-prohibits the use of jails to retain fugitives, and requires that the prosecuting attorney of each county shall, upon request, give aid and counsel to any such fugitive slave.

[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] Co. Francis Kinlock Huger, an eminent citizen of South Carolina, died at Charleston on Thursday last, aged eighty-two years. When a young man, and fully inspired with the ardor of American republicanism, he joined Dr. Eric Bollmann, of Philadelphia, in his attempt to liberate Gen. Lafayette from the dungeons of Olmutz, an enterprise which led to a long incarceration of the young and adventurous patriots.

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[[image of a hand wit index finger pointing]] SALLIE HOLLY, an Agent of the Mass. Anti-Slavery Society, will speak in 

Dover, N.H.,       Sunday, February 25.
Concord,  ''        (during the week)
Manchester,  ''     Sunday, March   4.
Georgetown, Ms. }  (during the week.)
Bradford,  ''
Haverhil,  ''        Sunday,  March 11.   

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[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]] WM. WELLS BROWN, an Agent of the [[italics]]American Anti-Slavery Society[[/italics]]will hold meetings in
Newport, R.I.,                  Friday,  Feb. 23.
Tiverton Baptist Meeting-House, Sunday,    '' 25.
West Roxbury, Mass.,            Tuesday,   '' 27.

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[[image of a hand with index finger pointing]]C. SPEAR will speak in the Universalist Church, Cmbridgeport, on Sunday evening next. Subject: Proper Treatment of Criminals.

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The subscriber takes pleasure in announcing his presence in Boston and vicinity for a short time, and will thankfully receive such pecuniary aid, for the cause he is promoting in Canada West, as the friends of humanity may please send to the care of ROBERT F. WALLCUT, 21 Cornhill.
Boston, Feb. 6, 1855. HIRAM WILSON  

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MARRIED-In Cambridgeport, Feb. 18 by Rev. Mr. Collier, GEORGE H. WILLIAMS and JANE C. Jones, both of Boston.
DIED-In this city, Feb. 14, JANE, daughter of Eli Cæsar, aged 22.

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[[bold]]Two Mill Privileges[[/bold]]]
[[bold]]F[[/bold]]OR sale in Southboro', two Mill Privileges, one in Parkersville, about one-half mile west of Southboro' meeting-house, and three-fourths of a mile from a Railroad Depot, having a saw-mill, grist0mill, with two run of stones, cracker, with shed, shop, hay-scales, &c., and about one and one=half acre of land, situated in a first rate business location.

The other about a mile east of the meeting-house, and within about one-half mile of Fayville Depot, with a grist-mile, cracker, &c. The above property will be solf separate, or together. A bargain and long payday given. For further particulars, inquire of the subscriber at Parkersville. MOSES SAWIN.
Southboro' Feb. 23 3w

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[[Italics]]'GET THE BEST'[[/italics]]

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[[bold]]W[[/bold.]]HAT more essential to every family, countingroom, student, and indeed every one who would know the right use of language-the meaning, orthography, and pronunciation of words, than a good English DICTIONARY?-of daily necessity and permanent value.
is now the recognized standard, 'constantly cited and relied on in out courts of justice, in out legislative bodies, and in public discussions, as entirely conclusive,' says HON. JOHN C. SPENCER.

[[italics]]Can I make a better investment?[[/italics]]
Published by G. & C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all booksellers.
February 24. 3t 

[[horizontal line across column]]

[[Bold]]T[/bold]]HE Ladies Institute of the Penn Medical University of Pennsylvania, located 419 Market street, Philadelphia, will commence its Spring Term on the first Monday in March, and continue four months. The facilities for acquiring a sound medical education in this Institution are of a superior order; the teachings are liberal, and free from all sectarian dogmas. Ladies desiring such an education as respectfully invited to give it their attention. For announcements, containing terms, further particulars, &c., please address JOS. S. LONGSHORE,
410 Market street above Eleventh, Philadelphia.
February 9. 2w


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