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May 29.  THE LIBERATOR.  87
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New Publications
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PRIESTHOOD AND CLERGY UNKNOWN TO CHRISTIANITY; or, the Church a Community of Co-Equal Brethren.  A Cento.  By Campaginator.  Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co.  1857.

With all our heart, we subscribe to the title of this work, to its reasoning and spirit, to its historical and apostolical verity.  Whoever is its author, (we have seen it attributed to the learned and estimable Prof. GEORGE BUSH, of New York,) he deserves the thanks of all the friends of religious liberty and true progress, for the serious, earnest, and masterly manner in which he has treated, or rather exhausted the subject, and laid the axe at the root of priestly imposture and clerical usurpation.  The work is divided into four chapters:--

I. The Church.  Section 1. True and False Ideas.  2. Sects and Denominations.  3. Historical Development of Synodical or Sectarian Christianity.  4. The Grand Fallacy.

II. Priesthood. Section 1. Definitions.  2. Sentiments of the Quakers.  3. Prerogative of Priesthood common to all Christians.  4. Why so little is said of Church Government in the Scriptures.  5. The Church Fruits of the Holy Spirit.  6. What kind of Government is recognized in the Acts and the Epistles.  7. Where we are to look for the Law of Church Government.  8. What are the Advantages of the Present System?  9. The Doctrine of a Christian Priesthood, apart from the general body of Believers, receives no countenance from the earliest History of Christianity.
III.  Sections 1 and 2. Position assumed, and Position denied.

IV. Ministry.  Section 1. Prevailing Notions.  2. The true Idea of Ministry as set forth in the Scriptures.  3. Explication of Scriptural Terms relative to Ministry.  4. Diakoneo.  5. Diakonia.  6. Diakonos.  7. The Office of Deacon.  8. Ministry as implied in the term huperetes.  9. Imposition of Hands.  10. Administering of Sacraments.  11. Preaching the Gospel.  12. Ordination.  13. Ministry in the Church entirely subordinate to Brotherly Love.  14. Tendency of Clerical Rule.  15. True Idea of Ministry in the Church.  16. Who may proclaim the Gospel?  17. Does this View infringe the principles of true Order?  18. Prospective of Anticipations.  19. The Clerical system especially out of place among the Congregationalists.  20. Evil Effects of the Distinction in Question.


We give the table of contents without abridgment, to show the scope and importance of this work--a work tersely and learnedly written, compactly put together in one small volume of 168 pages, and deserving of the special attention of all who are seeking the banishment of superstition and priestcraft from the earth.  The author, in his preface, says he desires to have a fair understanding with his readers in the outset.  'Priesthood and Clergy unknown to Christianity' does not imply the denial of a divine Priesthood in Christ, nor of a Spiritural Priesthood as pertaining to all his true people.  This is admitted; but denial is made of the existence of any other Priesthood, in a just view of the Christian economy.  'We go against all Priesthood and Clergy visibly and externally embodied in a distinct class or caste.  Our scope hath this extent; no more.'
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 Autobiography of Elwood Gorden.  By WILLIAM G. CAMBRIDGE, author of 'Henri, or the Web and Woof of Life,' 'Glenwood,' &c.  Boston: Shepard, Clark and Brown.  1857.

Mr. Cambridge having acquitted himself very creditably as a writer in his 'Henri,' and 'Glenwood,' we expected to find the present volume worthy of perusal, and are not disappointed.  It treats upon the marriage relation, and 'points a moral' to which parents generally will do well to give heed--especially those sordid ones 'with whom the nuptial tie is a consideration of dollars and cents, of family rank, of influential connections, &c., instead of true heart-affinity.'  The author assures us that the work is based upon actual events; that the strangest part of the narrative is true; and that there are persons living in New England who will recognize the incidents in the guise in which they are given.  Its style is clear and unpretending, and it teaches a most instructive lesson.  A prominent character in it is George Washington Stanton, a young Southern student, who serves to exhibit the demoralizing effects of slavery, and also (in the person of Marion Windsor) to illustrate the growing spirit of freedom at the North.  We commend it as (at least incidentally) auxiliary to the great struggle now going on for the total extinction of slavery in the land.
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This is one of the instructive and interesting series of volumes entitled 'Rollo's Tour in Europe,' published by Brown, Taggard & Chase, successors to W. J. Reynolds & Co., 24 Cornhill, Boston.  The following has been the order of the volumes:--1. Rollo on the Atlantic.  2. Rollo in Paris.  3. Rollo in Switzerland.  4. Rollo in London.  5. Rollo on the Rhine.  6. Rollo in Scotland.  In perusing them, the reader is assured that all the information which they contain, not only in respect to the countries visited, but to the customs, usages, and modes of life that are described, and also in regard to the general character of the incidents and adventures that the young travellers met with, is in most strict accordance with fact.  They are printed in a neat and attractive form, and beautifully illustrated, and cannot fail to please both the old and the young.  Mr. Abbott has evidently a rare faculty of imparting information.
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NEW MUSIC.  The lovers of music will find the following pieces at Oliver Ditson & Co's, Washington street, Boston:--

Strains of Many Lands--the National Melodies of  1. Caledonia.  2. Hibernia.  3. England.  4. Florence.  5. America.  With variations and arrangements by Augusta Browne Garrett.

Serenade from Don Pasquale, by S. Thalberg.

Russell's Favorites.  A Collection of Popular Songs by Henry Russell--viz.---Will nobody marry me?--Not married yet--Old King Time--Mother, who hath a child at sea--Oh this love--the Tee-total Society--There's room enough for all.

Songs and Ballads.  Composed and sung by D. D. Griswold.  1. The falling tide upon the beach.  2. Think what a destiny is mine.  3. My heart is like a faded flower.  4. The last of the Knickerbockers.

The Drawing-Room Cotillions.  Composed and arranged by H. Avery.

La Pluie de Roses.  Polka di Bravura.  For the piano; by Federico Guzman.

Gems, from La Traviata. Arranged for the piano, by James S. Ballak.

Say, what shall my song be to-night?  Ballad, composed by J. Philip Knight.

The Piano-forte Album.  A Selection of brilliant and fascinating Gems, by Eminent Composers.

Chaplet of Pearls.  Twelve graceful Melodies for young amateurs.  Arranged for the piano by Adolph Baumbach.

Florence--a Collection of Songs--the Poetry of Longfellow, Tennyson, and others.  Music by F. Boot.  1. I am weary of rowing--W.S.S.  Battle of the Baltic--Campbell.  3. From the close-shut window--Lowell.  4. The sands o'dee--Alton Locke.  5. The night is calm and cloudless--Longfellow.  6. Stars of the summer night--Longfellow.  7. The new year's bells--Tennyson.  8. O, well for the Fisherman's boy--Tennyson.
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RUSSELL & RICHARDSON, Boston, have recently published a large and an imposing volume, entitled 'THE FAMILY CIRCLE GLEE BOOK; containing about
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two hundred Songs, Glees, Choruses, &c., including many of the most popular pieces of the day.  Arranged and harmonized for four voices, with full accompaniments for the piano, seraphine, and melodeon: for the use of Glee Clubs, Singing Classes, and the Home Circle.  Compiled by Elias Howe.'  Price $1.25.  This is a compilation exactly to our taste, and worthy of a place in every family where children are found or music is cultivated.  It is afforded at a very cheap rate indeed, yet printed in the very best manner.

A second volume of the FAMILY CIRCLE GLEE BOOK is now preparing, and will soon be issued, which will contain not only many of the most popular Songs and Glees of the day, by American authors; but also many from the most celebrated English, German and Italian composers, with a large number of Choruses from the popular Operas of Rossini, Donizetti, Balfe, Verdi, Auber, Bellini, Meyerbeer, &c.
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Since the recent meeting of this body, a meeting looked to with such intense interest from every portion of our country, we have received the following letter, and in reply to it we shall state our view of the character and tendency of the Society's action at that time, and of the probable course of its officers, with reference to the publication of tracts on slavery, for the ensuing year.

PORT NORFOLK, May 18, 1857.


Dear Sir--About one year ago, our village and vicinity were favored with monthly visits of tract distributors, leaving the publications of the American Tract Society at our dwellings.  Some few anti-slavery people, wishing to bear testimony against the position of the American Tract Society, caused the following circular to be printed:--

To Colporteurs and Tract Distributors.

WHEREAS, THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY has published Tracts in condemnation of Sabbath-breaking, Profanity, Intemperance, Gambling, Attendance upon the Theatre, Dancing, Extravagance in Dress, Novel Reading, Sleeping in Church; and neglected and refused to publish Tracts against American Slavery; has suppressed Anti-Slavery sentiments of authors whose works it has republished; and has made choice of Rev. Dr. NEHEMIAH ADAMS, the apologist for and defender of Negro Slavery, as one of the Committee to revise the publications of the AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY:--

THEREFORE, we consider the influence of the AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY on the side of the oppressor, and respectfully request Colporteurs and Tract Distributors not to leave the Society's publications at our dwellings or places of business.
MAY, 1856.

In some cases, the tracts were returned in an envelope with the circular, and sometimes handed back to the tract distributor at the door.  For about six months past, I have not known of tracts of the kind being distributed.  Whether from the want of funds, or the utter hopelessness of converting anti-slavery people with their tracts, I am unable to say.  The object of this communication is to inquire of you (a life member of the Society, I think) if the recent action of the Society, [[italics]] on the slave question [[/italics]], at their meeting in New York, would justify us in withdrawing our request to colporteurs and tract distributors.--H. W. B.

The Committee of Investigation, which the pressure of anti-slavery feeling outside obliged the Society to appoint last year, to examine its past and report upon its future proceedings, brought forward the following resolutions, which were [[italics]] unanimously [[/italics]] accepted and adopted by the Society, on motion of Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, editor of the [[italics]] Independent [[/italics]], who approved it heartily and thoroughly, both upon its negative and positive side.

[These resolutions may be found in the report of the Committee, given in the fourth column of the preceding page.]

We will comment upon these resolutions in their order.

1. This resolution plainly shows that the Society ought to have published tracts against slavery from the very beginning of its operations.

2. Nobody ever asked or desired the Society to make itself a 'special organ' of anything.

3. Nobody ever asked or desired the Society to act otherwise than impartially.  These two resolutions are utterly without relevancy to the real position of the Society, and are just what is called, among politicians, 'humbug,' or 'talking for Buncombe' and the same remark applies to the first clause of the 4th resolution.  Nobody ever asked or desired the Society to publish anything on 'the political aspects of slavery.'

4. The expression, 'moral evils and vices which slavery is known to [[italics]] promote,' seems [[italics]] to imply that those evils and vices are not essential parts of slavery, but that they may be opposed and overthrown while slavery itself is allowed to remain.

The expression, [[italics]] 'moral duties [[/italics]]  which [[italics]] grow [[/italics]] out of the existence of slavery,' certainly implies that the position of slaveholding may be a right position.

It thus appears that the [[italics]] something [[italics]] about slavery, which the resolution says 'can and ought to be discussed,' is intended to be directed merely to the pruning, and not to the eradication, of that infamous system.

5. This resolution decides that the shameful practice of expurgating all denunciations of slavery from such books, previously published by other persons, as the Society may choose to reprint, and adopt into their series, must be immediately and entirely stopped. This is the one single good thing which the investigating Committee have done; and their use of the word [[italics]]impartial[[/italics]], at the close of the resolution, is a marked, though an insufficient, reproof of the dishonesty hitherto practised by the Publishing Committee.

8,9. But, in spite of the inevitable implication, from their use of the word [[italics]] impartial [[italics]], and from their imperative prohibition of what has been a settled feature of the operations of the Executive and Publishing Committees, that those functionaries have erred, either in judgment or intention, the resolutions contradict and stultify themselves by cordially recognizing, first the 'fidelity' and the 'wisdom' of both these Committees; and the Committee of Investigation appropriately close this sophistical and tricky document by the recommendation 'to promote the WIDEST and BEST usefulness of this Society THROUGHOUT OUR WHOLE COUNTRY.' As if they had whispered, on leaving, with a wink to their pro-slavery confederates - Stick to the South-side policy this year also; admit no new tracts that will be unacceptable to the slaveholders; the North will bear it awhile longer.

The above points must be considered in connection with the fact that the Tract Society, by a very large majority, reelected the Rev. South-side Adams on the Publishing Committee, so that not a page can be published this year without his consent.

Well, none of these things are astonishing.  We knew very well that the Tract Society is mainly composed of eminently hunkerish and anti-reformatory persons, and that this class was largely represented in the Committee of Investigation.  We expected, when they were chosen, that what they should say and do would be brought as near as possible to saying and doing [[italics]] nothing [[/italics]].  This was to be expected, and thus it has proved.  But what we have now to mention is rather remarkable, and certainly instructive.

For several years past, a set of persons belonging to the Tract Society, contributing to its funds, and throwing their influence in its favor, have not yet made much complaint at its refusal to publish tracts on slavery.  Prominent among these complainers was Rev. Joseph P. Thompson, editor of the [[italics]] Independent [[/italics]].  His editorial articles on that subject, especially for the past year, have exhibited a zeal and energy of purpose which really looked was if he were about to take the staff of accomplishment, and lead the large body of men who would readily follow his steps to the decisive point of withholding their contributions from a Society which has so grossly abused its power.  Up to the time of the Society's recent anniversary, he has been directing the attention of his readers to its action at that time, as the test of its disposition to repent and reform.
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The anniversary came, and the Report was made.  A Report which, doing the least of the things which needed to be done, (perhaps terrified into that small concession mainly by Dr. Thompson's thunder,) was dishonest, evasive and unprincipled in all besides.  What did Dr. Thompson do?

He bestowed emphatic and excessive eulogy on the Report, moved its acceptance and adoption, and wrote sophistical arguments for it in his paper.  This was strange.

Still, bad as the resolutions were as a whole, there was one passage in them, on the strength of which a Publishing Committee consisting of six anti-slavery men (if so many are to be found in the Tract Society) might have done a good part of the work needful.  But the whole six [[italics]] pro [[italics]] -slavery men, (South-side Adams included,) who have up to this time been keeping out from the Society's list all new matter opposed to slavery, and cutting out from their reprints of books every thing which might disturb the conscience of a slaveholder, were reelected by a very large majority, with the consent (and probably the vote) of Dr. Thompson; and Dr. Thompson, in the [[italics]] Independent [[italics]], has since attempted to justify this astounding piece of treachery, alike to freedom and to religion.  He admits that neither himself, nor any of his associates, during the past year, in 'shrieking' for the purification of the Tract Society, had even taken the trouble to make out an opposing list of candidates.  'NO ONE CARED,' he says, [[italics]] 'to provoke a personal discussions.' [[italics]] And he himself declares that he entertains a [[italics]] high respect [[italics]] for Dr. N. Adams as a [[italics]] Christian [[italics]] minister, and would not say a word to wound [[italics]] his sensibilities. [[italics]]  considering that both freedom and religion, the interests of the slaves and the purity of the church, were the things sacrificed to Dr. Thompson's respect and Dr. Adams's sensibilities, this was yet more strange.

But the strangest thing of all, on the supposition that there has been one particle of honesty in Dr. Thompson's course, for a year past, towards the Tract Society, is that, since this anniversary, he has been volunteering suggestions in the [[italics]] Independent, [[italics]] which, if followed by the Publishing Committee, would not only abridge the already narrow scope of the resolutions, but would commence a series of tracts in [[italics]] support [[italics]] of slavery.  Amazing as it would seem, he advises, first, that [[italics]] nothing [[italics]] be published to countenance immediate emancipation, and second, that [[italics]] something [[italics]] be published to persuade the slaves that they owe 'obedience' and 'fidelity' to the scoundrels who are robbing them of all their rights.

It is plain, from the foregoing, what answer must be made to the inquiry of our friend respecting the circular, copied at the commencement of this article, directing colporteurs and tract distributors not to leave the publications of the American Tract Society at the houses of friends of freedom.  Every one of that class who understands and defends the position of the Tract Society in relation to slaveholders should be treated as a deliberate consenter with thieves and partaker with adulterers, as the accomplice of the slavetrader and the kidnapper; it will therefore be well to use printed circulars, like the one copied above, which can be delivered by any member of the family in case the call should be made in the absence of the master or mistress of the house; but since those tract distributors are often young and simple persons, who know not what they do - who have been entrapped into the Church, under the excitement of a revival, without in the least understanding its true character, and then deluded into the belief that they were doing service to God, and helping to save souls, by circulating the publications of the Tract Society - it would be well to have at hand, for delivery [[italics]] with [[italics]] the circulars, copies of such tracts of the Anti-Slavery Society's series as expose the pro-slavery character of the Tract Society and the Church; such as No. 16, 'The Unanimous Remonstrance of the Fourth Congregational Church, Tract Society [[??]]., against the Policy of the American 'Relations of Anti-Slavery to Religion' [[good guess]]  on the subject of slavery' - or No. 19 [[ more good guesses]], have conceded to the Committee of Investigation that no more books are to be mutilated, they have not conceded, neither did that Committee recommend, the burning of the books already falsified, or the melting of the stereotype plates which are constantly renewing them.  Thus, whoever admits the Tract Society's publications into his house, is, and will be, still liable to receive those which have been thus abused.  Instead of casting 'the accursed thing' forth out of their camp, they have merely hidden it under a pile of resolutions; and as soon as the noise of this controversy has subsided, the thousands of these mutilated books and tracts which now lie on shelves of their depositories will again be put in circulation.  Every agent, colporteur and functionary of the Society should be regarded and treated as an infected person until open repentance, confession and reformation shall show them worthy to be trusted. - C.K.W.

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Chancing to hear, the other day, the inquiry and complaint of a worthy woman--'Where are the Anti-Slavery meetings?  I wanted to go to them; but at our church they don't tell us anything about them'--we thought it might be well to inquire, for the benefit of all concerned, what attitude the special representatives of [[italics]] piety [[/italics]] in Boston hold, respectively, to pro-slavery and anti-slavery, in the matter of announcement of anniversary meetings.

Cards of direction, headed 'Anniversaries in Boston, May, 1857, have been published by the American Tract Society--the American Sunday School Union--the Mass. Sabbath School Society--and the 'Theological bookstore,' kept by Crocker & Brewster at 47 Washington street.  All these exclude the meetings of the Anti-Slavery Society from their lists, but all advertise the meetings of the deceptive and proscriptive Colonization Society, and of the infamous Southern Aid Society.--C.K.W.

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Pro-slavery Dr. Bethune, of New York, speaking before the Southern Aid Society in the Central Church on Monday evening, said--insinuating ingeniously rather than ingenuously, that the Society's gospel was to be preached for the benefit of slaves instead of slave-holders--'I would rather to-night preach the gospel to a congregation of Southern negroes than to the most cultivated and enlightened congregation that was ever assembled in this city.'

Perhaps some uncharitable persons might ascribe this preference [[italics]] solely [[/italics]] to his expectation that, after he had preached to the slaves that they must obey their masters, on pain of the wrath of God, these masters would invite him to dinner, and introduce him to other 'hospitable' Southrons.  But there is another reason, which is probably strictly true, though Dr. Bethune himself states it, as follows:

'They would receive it with a [[italics]] faith [[/italics]] which Puritanic rationalism could not.'

Perhaps they would.  The slaves have been kept in very gross ignorance.--C.K.W.

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MICHIGAN, May, 1857.

Everybody here thinks Spring is a great loiterer this year.  But in spite of the comet, icebergs, and all the malign influences, lilacs, willows, fruit trees and garden shrubbery are beginning to put forth tender, beautiful, green leaves, the disclosure of which Nature knows so well how to manage for a sweet, yearly wonder.

The wheat fields, whose prosperity so much concerns the farmers here, as well as the dwellers in distant cities, are said to give a tolerably fair promise of harvests.  For two years there has been a comparatively general failure of wheat and other crops and fruits, owing to the dry summer weather and the extremely cold winters.

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We are told of the great scarcity of food in the northern part of the State, in the lumber regions, and that some families have subsisted for days together on [[b??ed]] oats.  This is because the lake navigation, upon  which they depend to bring supplies, is so late to [[?en]].

An invitation of Miss Holley's near personal friends is the more immediate occasion of our being here, though we came with the understanding that she would bring her Anti-Slavery with her, and subserve the [[n??e]] cause by her lectures; so we have enjoyed an exceedingly pleasant home under the hospitable roof of W.W. Murphy, Esq., of Jonesville.

During our few weeks stay here, Miss H. has given some sixteen or more lectures, chiefly on the line of the Southern Railroad, as far west as Sturgis.  All of these have been largely attended, and appear to create special interest, and (what will give ture-hearted abolitionists everywhere joy to know) several persons have been induced to take THE LIBERATOR. Most of those who have listened at these times will surely come to be grateful for having their minds disabused of cruel and unjust prejudice against Mr. Garrison and his principles, as many have handsomely confessed themselves already.  One fact that may not be uninteresting is, that these meetings have been arranged for, and audiences of church-members gathered, on Sunday by old acquaintance, who did for Miss H. what [[italics]] they [[/italics]] might have been long-loth [[sic]] to do for any other agent of the American A.S. Society,--Episcopalians, Roman Catholics, and Buchanan men.  However obscurely, or however scantily one has lent his aid to feed the fires of Liberty, I believe he shall yet rejoice in the deed, and shall in no wise lose his reward.  Since we have been here, the election of State Judges has taken place, which, as all know, resulted in the appointment of the Republican candidates.  Miss Holley has earnestly rebuked the Michigan people, who, while they profess to be filled with indignation at Judge Taney's decision, still refuse to recognize the right of colored men to citizenship in their own State.

The great lack of the people all over the country is, still, a knowledge of what the nature of Slavery is.  They do not see that they ought to repudiate the Government as its sworn defence, and the Church for being its powerful ally.  Nevertheless, ideas of the essential sin and wrong of Slavery, and of individual responsibility, that can never be dislodged from the mind, are slowly permeating the community.  The New York [[italics]] Tribune [[/italics]] launches a timely burden on the N. S. Presbyterian Church for it to dispose of, at the General Assembly meeting in Cleveland.  The Home Mission and Tract Societies' action provokes a wide discussion in the religious newspapers, Presbyteries, and private circles; and in many ways the anti-slavery leaven is at work.  More than ever are the sterling testimonies of the Garrisonian Abolitionists needed, to do good on this increasing interest, to the complete and glorious result of emancipation. C.F.P.

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Died, on the llth inst., MEHITABLE M., daughter of Thomas F. White of Marshfield, and wife of George J. Peterson of Duxbury, aged 26 years.

FRIEND GARRISON--Allow me room for the expression of a brief tribute to the memory of a valued friend, whose early death has left a painful vacancy in the scattered ranks of the true reformers in this vicinity, and is a loss which the rest of us know not how to supply.

The deceased was of humble but industrious parentage, a regular descendant of the old Pilgrim stock, and partook of the indomitable will, and faithful adherence to principle, which characterize that renowned race.  Having a natural thirst for knowledge, by her own labor she obtained an education, and qualified herself for a teacher; in which calling she was successfully engaged for several years.

She was, for a time, a student in the Academy of the Episcopal Methodists at Wilbraham; but was [[obscured text]] Sectarian theology.  She had always a firm faith in the impartial love of her Heavenly Father to all his children, both in this world and in all worlds.  Her intimate associate and friend at the Academy, and through life, was Miss Amanda Weston of Duxbury, who has obtained some celebrity as a writer of both prose and poetry in the Wesleyan connexion, and who preceded her to the spirit land only a few months ago.

Mehitable was a constant reader of THE LIBERATOR for a number of years, and drank in from its spirit that abhorrence of wrong, that love for the slave, and that desire for the elevation and enfranchisement of her own sex which continued to the end, and was ever ready with an encouraging word and deed for those who are battling  in the forlorn hope of freedom's cause.

A little more than a year since, she was married to our sincere and earnest friend, George J. Peterson of Duxbury.  After a short year of domestic happiness, when the future appeared dawning with every promise of comfort and usefulness, the shadow which we call death has passed suddenly over them, and under its dark wing that brave spirit has passed away into the untried and the unknown.  All who know him will sympathize deeply with the stricken husband, and will pray that he and all of us may have that patience under affliction, that self-relying firmness, that loving heart, and that unwavering fidelity to truth and duty, which gave value to the life and spirit of the departed.  Then, when our mortal barks shall be loosened from their earthly moorings, and drift out into the great ocean, we may say, as she might have said, we have endeavored to leave the world better than we found it, and have not been mere drones or vampyres to feed and fatten upon, and squander away the physical, intellectual and moral wealth which has been gathering by the toil and sacrifice of those who have gone before us.

Marshfield, May 27, 1857.  N.H.W.

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LEOMINSTER, May 24, 1857.


I take from the [[italics]] Granite State Register [[/italics]], published at Nashua, N.H., the following obituary notice:--

'Died, in Leominster, Mass., May 14, 1857, MRS. HANNAH C. FIELD, wife of Dr. C.C. Field, and daughter of the late Timothy Danforth, Esq., of Amherst, N.H., aged 36 years and 6 months.

Thus has passed away from earth one, whom none knew but to love.  Though she gradually wasted away under that insidious disease, (consumption,) which made her fully conscious that her end was nigh, yet she contemplated the close of her earthly career with the most perfect Christian resignation.  Her strong love and attachment to her children led her to desire continued life and health, if consistent with her heavenly Father's will; but, strong as were the ties that bound her to earth, she bowed in humble submission to Heaven s [[sic]] decree, and yielded up her pure spirit with the confident assurance of a blessed immortality.  In her death her children have lost a tender and affectionate mother, a husband a kind and faithful wife, and the world a Christian, who possessed those rare qualities which secured the love and admiration of all who ever formed her acquaintance.'

And it ought to be added that, in her tender sympathy, she embraced the enslaved of this boasted republic; and that he friend of the slave, for many years, has ever found a ready welcome at her hospitable fireside.   A.S. CARTER.

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[[image: hand pointing right]] We learn from the [[italics]]Courrier des Etats Unis [[/italics]], that a former pupil of the Polytechnic School of France has invented a new press and type, which may cause a revolution in the art of printing.  The type bears the letters on both ends, and will therefore yield two impressions at one setting.  It is being successfully tried, daily and in public, at the Conservatoire des Arts at Metiers.

[[image: hand pointing right]] In Washington City, on Monday of last week, an immense Sabbath School gathering took place.  The procession was little less than two miles in length, which will not be thought surprising when it is stated that about forty-five hundred children and more than two-thirds of a thousand teachers composed it.

[[column 5]]

The following is a list of the yeas and nays in the House of Representatives upon the adoption of the Address to the Governor for the removal of Judge E.G. Loring, of the Suffolk Probate Court:--

[[italics]] Yeas [[/italics]].-- Messrs. L. Adams, Alden, Alex. H. Allen, Jeremiah Allen, Luke F. Allen, William H. Allen, I.F. Andrews, Armington, Austin, Bacheller, Bailey, Bassett, Bates, Bigelow, Billings, Blackmer, Bliss, Blood, Calley, I.T. Campbell, Carver, Child, Clapp, T. Clark, Cogswell, Colton, Noah Conant, Thomas Conant, Cook, Copeland, Couch, Crowell, Cummings, Currier, Dana, Daniel, A. Davis, D.G. Davis, Denne, Deming, Elijah H. Dodge, Rufus B. Dodge, Thomas Dodge, Dresser, Dunbar, Dickenson, Edwards, Endicott, Fales, Farley, Faulkner, Fay, Ferry, C. Field, (Boston,) Gershom, M. Fitch, Jonas Fitch, Flanders, Charles Foster, George Foster, Fry, Fuller, Furber, Horatio N. Gardner, Moses T. Gardner, Gay, Gill, Gilman, Goddard, Goodhue, J.A. Goodwin, Grammer, Griggs, Gronard, Thos. Hale, Hammond, Hard, Hardy, Hathaway, Heaton, Hill, T.C. Hills, Hinckley, Hodges, Holland, Hopkins, Hubbard, Hudson, Hunt, Hyde, Daniel U. Johnson, Francis M. Johnson, Henry D. Johnson, Kelly, Kenney, Keyes, James Kimball, John Kimball, Knowlton, Lamkin, D.J.. Lewis, Litchfield, Lombard, H. Loring, Lothrop, Lovell, Maccomber, Mayhew, Merrill, MIller, Mitchell, Monk,  Morris, Mosely, Murray, Nelson, Newland, Newton, Nichols, Norwood, Charles Nowell, John A. Nowell, Noyes, Page, E.N. Paine, Parker, Parsons, Patrick, H.H. Payne, Perham, Perkins, Perry, Phelps, Plummer, Pollard, Pond, Pooler, Porter, Potter, Luther Prescott, Wm. C. Prescott, Purple, Putnam, Reed, John Rice, Joseph P. Rice, Thomas Rice, Jr., Moses Richards, Jr., Henry Richardson, Ring, Robbins, Martin Rockwood, Jr., Rolfe, Calvin Russell, Sanford, Schouler, Sheldon, Sherman, Simmonds, Smedley, Gilbert A. Smith, Henry Smith, John Smith, John H. Smith, Richard Smith, Soule, Southworth, Spooner, Moses Stebbins, Samuel Stebbins, Amos Stevens, Stickney, Warren F. Stone, Studley, Sweetser, Swift, Ezra W. Taft, Jacob Taft, Taggart, Talbot, Tarbell, Tenny, Thayer, George F. Thompson, Titcomb, Trafton, Trask, Turner, Tuttle, Henry Tyler, Upham, Vinson, John P. Wadsworth, Walden, Wales, Admiral A. Ward, James W. Ward, Warren, Webster, Wheeler, F.W. White, Tisdale S. White, Whitney, Edwin F. Whiting, Williams, Albert Wood, Wm. H. Wood, Wm W. Wood, Woodbury, Woodman, Albert J. Wright, Edwin Wright--210.

[[italics]] Nays [[/italics]].-- T. Allen of Boston, Atkins, Ballard, Barrett, J.N. Brewer, T.M. Brewer, W.B. Brown, G.M. Browne, Bugbee, Burrage, Burrill, Campbell of Pittsfield, Chase, Childs of Lancaster, Clark of Natick, Cone, Crapo, Crosby, Carter, Daggett, Daniels of N. Braintree, Day, Dike, Dodge of Cambridge, Draper, Edgerly, Farmer, Field of Athol, Hale of Boston, Harris of Winchendon, Humphrey, Johnson of Dana, Jones, Kimball of Newburyport, Kingman, Lawrence, Lee, Lewis of Marblehead, Loring of Charlestown, Loud, Marble, Moore of Lowell, Morrissey, Morse, Newmarch, Nye, Pearl, Prentiss, Ramsdell, Rogers, Russell of Boston, Sanderson, Saunders, Sargent, Sawyer of Sterling, Sawyer of Charlestown, Seabury, Stephens of Beverly, Stone of Sudbury, Stubbs, Taylor, Tufts of Charlestown, Twiss, Twombly, Tyler of N. Brookfield, Wells, White of Holyoke, Wilder of Chelsea, Wood of Newburyport--69.

[[short line]]

The following is the vote of the Representative of the city of Boston on the above occasion.  We published it in order that they may see how their Representatives voted on a question in which they all feel so deep an interest:

[[italics]] Yeas [[/italics]]-- Armington, Andrews, Campbell, Field, Fitch, Gay, Heaton, Nelson, J.A. Nowell, Charles Nowell, Phelps, Plummer, Porter, Rolfe, Spooner, Swift, Talbot, Thayer, Webster, A.J. Wright, E. Wright.

[[italics]] Nays [[/italics]]-- Allen, Atkins, Brewer, Curtis, Day, Hale, Marble, Newmarch, Rogers, Russell, Sanderson, Twombly.

[[italics]] Absentees [[/italics]]-- Bradbury, Joy, Kimball, Nickerson, Ranney, Severence, Smith, Stedman, Thompson, Tufts, Wadsworth.

[[flourish line]]

From the Boston Transcript.

THE CASE OF JOSHUA COFFIN, ESQ.  We have received several responses to the appeal made in behalf of this estimable man.  We select the following from the number, as it is from a well-known Professor of Harvard, whom the veteran teacher has proudly called 'one of his boys.'  We hope this kind and genial note will have the effect to induce new subscriptions in aid of the veteran teacher, historian and antiquarian.


[[italics]] To the Editor of the Boston Daily Transcript [[/italics]]:-- I am greatly obliged to you for calling attention to the case of Mr. Joshua Coffin, of Newbury.

Many years ago I was hhis pupil.  I have never forgotten hhis kind and genial manners, and his unwearied labors in helping his classes forward in their studies.  His pleasant countenance and good humor, united to his great simplicity of character, stamped themselves on my memory, and are  among themost agreeable recollections of my childhood--now, alas! so distant in the past.

I have a high regard for Mr. Coffin, as a writer of local history and as an antiquarian.  His literary works in these departments entitle him to an honorary place in the public esteem.  But I think of him more as the teacher whose kindness was never exhausted by the wayward tempers of boys, and who never spared himself any trouble, whether in or out of school, if he could do them any good.  It was under him that I mastered the inflections of Latin nouns and verbs, and gained my first acquaintance with that inscrutable mystery to all schoolboys--the Subjunctive Mode.

Trusting, Mr. Editor, that your generous efforts in behalf of this most worthy man, now suffering the united evils of old age and poverty, will be successful, and desirous to add my mite, I beg you will charge yourself with the trouble of seeing that the enclosed trifle reaches its destination.  I am sorry I cannot make it ten times as much; but, small as the sum is, it will perhaps remind the suffering veteran of the cordial affection and sympathy with which his name and person are recalled by an old pupil.

Yours, very truly,    C.C.F.

There are hundreds of others who have been pupils of Mr. Coffin, who have the same feeling with Prof. Felton, and we hope that each one of us will try to do something for the 'old master.'  He was our first 'master,' and we thought then, and think now, that few men have lived with bigger hearts and purer souls than Joshua Coffin.  He has church associates, and connection with an ancient and honorable fraternity, and alliances with various associations, and all of these will be happier and better for doing something for the relief of a good man--a neighbor, a citizen, a friend, that every body respects.  We are glad to know that an effort is making in this city in his behalf, and we trust that the call will be liberally responded to.-- [[italics]] Newburyport Herald [[/italics]].

[[flourish line]]

DRED SCOTT SET FREE BY DR. CHAFFEE.  ST. LOUIS, May 26.  Dred Scott, with his wife and two daughters, were emancipated to-day by Taylor Blon.  They had all been conveyed to him by Mr. Chaffee, M.C., of Massachusetts, for that purpose.

[[image: hand pointing right]]  Senator Butler of South Carolina and Senator Bill of New Hampshire, have both recently deceased.

[[italics]] High Price of Negroes [[/italics]].-- At Marion, Perry country, Alabama, on the 4th inst., two negroes, well-borers, were sold on the block, and bought the snug sum of $4075.

At the estate sale of Col. Jesse McKinney, deceased, six negroes were sold at an average of $800 each.  Corn brought $1 50 per bushel.

[[image: hand pointing right]]  The firm of Spofford & Tileston, of New York, recently sent an order for 10,000 tons Manilla sugar, on which, owing to the late rise in that article, they will realize a profit of $250,000.

A mammoth ox was on exhibition, recently, at Springfield, which measured six feet seven inches in height at the shoulder, girted ten feet, and was thirteen feet in length from stem to stern.  Though by no means fat, he weighted 4200 pounds.

[[double line]]



Collections at the West, by Andrew T. Foss and Lucy N. Coleman:--

In Sterling, Illinois, 11 47; Palmyra, do,3 96; Lydon, do, 1 35; Unionville, do, 163; A friend in Sterling, do, 5; Lyons, Iowa, 3 63; Sterling, do, 65c; New Genesee, Illinois, 4 60; Centre School House, Iowa, 1 03; Hazel Green School House, do, 1 51; Milledgeville, Illinois, 1 26; Stone School House, do, 1 21: Aurora, do, 3 65; Waukegan, do, 7 40; Chicago, do, 5 50; Fairfield, Michigan, 7 15; Livonia, do, 3 98; Rochester. N.Y., 1 76; Angola, Indiana, 16 12; Dover, Michigan, 1 25: Union City, do, 2 37; Western Anti-Slavery Society, do, 27 43; Battle Creek, do, 1 33; Bedford, do, 2 10; Ypsilanti, do, 2 10; Fremont, Indiana, 3 85; J.A. Fox, Orlando, do, 5; Augustus Kimball, do. do, 6; Charles Carleton, do. do, 2; Dennis Fox, do. do, 1; Lewis Barnard do. do, 1; N.A. Shumway, do. do, 1.

FRANCIS JACKSON, [[italics]] Treasurer [[/italics]]

[[/column 5]]
[[column 6]]

WANTED--In order to complete four sets of the series of Annual Reports of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society for permanent preservation in four of the largest and most valuable public libraries in Massachusetts, the following numbers are wanted, for which an appeal is now made to the liberality of individual owners.  Any person, having one or more of these numbers to spare, wil be using them for the benefit of the above specified object.  They may be sent to the care of SAMUEL MAY, JR., 21 Cornhill, Boston:

[[italics]] First [[/italics]] Annual Report (1833.)  [[italics]] Second [[/italics]], (1834.)  [[italics]] Fourth [[/italics]], (1836.)  [[italics]] Fifth [[/italics]], (1837.)  [[italics]] Sixth [[/italics]], (1838.)  [[italics]] Seventh [[/italics]], (1839.)  [[italics]] Twelfth [[/italics]], (1844,) and [[italics]] Thirteenth [[/italics]], (1845.)


BOSTON, May 15, 1857.

A graduate from the Boston Normal School, who has had some experience in teaching simply the English branches, would like a situation either as governess in a family, or assistant in a school.  Apply at 9 Columbia street, or to R.F. WALLCUT, Esq., 21 Cornhill.


[[image: hand pointing right]] WANTED.--The subscriber wishes to employ one hundred young and middle aged men to travel as agents through the New England and Western States, to sell some new and valuable books, for which a ready sale is found.  A capital of from five to ten dollars only will be required, and an agent can make from $5 to $15 per day; for some now engaged in the business are making twice that sum.  All information can be had concerning the business by addressing B.F.G., of Worcester, Mass., and enclosing a postage stamp.


[[image: hand pointing right]] PLACES FOR COLORED BOYS.--Situation wanted in the country for a promising Boy, where he can learn a trade, or have the opportunity of good family training.

A colored Boy of character and aptness wanted in a lawyer's office.

Please address  W.C. NELL,
May 8.   21 Cornhill.


[[image: line drawing of hand pointing right]] GIVE HIM A CHANCE.--A colored young man of good family and character desires to learn the art of shoemaking.  Any one who can afford such an opportunity will please address WM. C. NELL, 21 Cornhill.

[[double line]]

[[bold]] Representative Women. [[/bold]]


[[italics]] JUST PUBLISHED, [[/italics]]

[[bold]] BY WM. C. NELL, 21 CORNHILL  [[/bold]]

This magnificent group includes the portraits of 


and is executed in that elaborate style and finish which has won so signal a fame for the artist, Leopold Grozelier.  Price $1 00.

Copies will be sent to any part of the United States, by mail, free of postage, and in a safe manner, at the above price. 

An arrangement has been made with the publisher of the 'Heralds' and 'Champions,' by which a copy of each can accompany the Representative Women at the reduced price of $3 for one set.

All of the above can be obtained of WM. C. NELL. 21 Cornhill, or of C.H. BRAINERD, 122 Washington street.

May 22.   tf

[[line across column]]

[[bold]] DR. ALLEN'S [[/bold]]
IS NOW READY. [[/bold]]

THE most thorough, complete, and reliable Biographical Dictionary ever published in America, containing sketches of the Lives of nearly

[[bold]] SEVEN THOUSAND [[/bold]]

Distinguished deceased Americans.

A book indispensable to every well furnished Library

[[bold]] PRICE, $5.00. [[/bold]]


[[italic]] JOHN P. JEWETT & COMPANY, [[/italic]]


[[image of hand pointing]] For sale by all Booksellers. May 22 4w

[[line across column]]

[[bold]] NEW MALVERN 
WESTBORO', MASS. [[/bold]]

Distant from the Railroad station nearly one and a half miles, is a beautifully located on elevated ground, amid the highly cultivated lands of an agricultural district. The house is large and the rooms numerous, and it has an excellent hall for gymnastics and recreation. The water, which, for purity and softness, is rarely equalled, is conveyed to the building by wood conduits, and thus escapes metalic oxydation. The bath rooms and appurtenances are ample and commodious, and in the regulation of temperature as well as general arrangements, the establishment offers superior facilities for WINTER or summer treatment.

Its hygienic and 'out of door' influences are superior. The hard, dry roads, with convenient grades, the 'wild wood' grove, a romantic lake, (Great Chauncy,) upon the Northern shore of which, high perched, are the symmetrical and magnificent buildings of the Reform School; the exquisite landscape scenery from Raymond Hill, with the dry and exhilarating atmosphere, all combine to rouse the exhausted energies of patients suffering from chronic disease. To make the Cure still more inviting, the proprietor, in addition to the 'old elms' has transplanted to its grounds more than one hundred and fifty forest tress, some of large growth, &c. It is the desire and intention of those interested, to make this truly a RETREAT FOR INVALIDS, where every proper influence shall be made to do its appropriate work of restoration.

Persons desiring additional information, will please address the resident physician, Dr. J. H. Hero, or the consulting physician, DR. GEORGE HOYT, of Boston, 77 Bedford street, who visits the institution semi-weekly, and attends to calls in the city and country.

April 10. 6w.

[[line across column]]

[[italic]] GOOD NEWS FOR THE AFFLICTED! [[/italic]]


[[image of hand pointing that says THE NUTRITIVE CURE]]
[[image of eye]]
[[image of hand pointing that says [[BOSTON MS 28 ELIOT St.]]

LAROY SUNDERLAND'S [[italic]] Remedies [[/italic]] for the [[italic]] EYES [[/italic]], the best ever known for [[italic]] Dim, Misty, Cloudy, or Short Sight; Floating Specs, Ulceration of the Eyes or Eyelids; Films; Amaurosis; Ophthalmia: Obstructions of the Tear Passages, &c. Reliable [[/italic]] in all diseases of the Eyes, whatever kind, and from whatever cause. They have restored multitudes, (some from [[italic]] total blindness [[/italic]],) after other means had failed.; also cured persons [[italic]] born blind [[/italic]]; cure patients of [[italic]] fifty years [[/italic]]; and in one case where the patient was 108 years old!

These Remedies have been abundantly tested in tens of thousands of cases, of all ages and forms of disease, affection the Eye, for more than sixty years past.

No charge for advice, nor all [[italic]] fee [[/italic]] demanded of the poor. A [[italic]] 'Book of Information' [[/italic]] respecting these celebrated Remedies and the Author's [[italic]] New Method of cure[[/italic]] by pure [[italic]] Nutrition [[/italic]], in all forms of disease without drugs, (every man his own doctor) will be sent to you, for 1 dime, post free! Address, LAROY SUNDERLAND, Boston, Mass. M1 4w

[[line across column]]

[[bold]] BOARDING-HOUSE. [[/bold]]

ROBERT R. CROSBY, formerly of the Groton House, 10 Sudbury street, has taken house No. 6 Alden street, a few doors from Court street, where he can accommodate a few transient and permanent Boarders.

Boston, May 8. tf.

[[line across column]]

[[bold]] ROUND-HILL

Motorpathic Water-Cure and Hotel, [[/bold]]

[[italic]] NORTHAMPTON, MASS. [[/italic]]


IT is well known that DR. HALSTED makes the diseases incident to Woman a specialty. The establishment combines the advantages of being a Cure for the treatment of Chronic Diseases of either sex, and a resort for the seekers of pleasure. Circulars sent [[italic]] gratis [[/italic]]; 'MOTION-LIFE,' a pamphlet upon the treatment, on receipt of six postage stamps. May 15. 
[[/column 6]]

Transcription Notes:
obscured text found at: Reviewed up to beginning of column 3 - nmath